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So freaking worried...


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 11, 2011
I'm past the pretty sure part. I know my pig is pregnant. And it's all my fault for being stupid and letting her run around with my little sister's boy. I honestly have no excuse and I am sorry, to all you cavy owners who hate it when this sort of thing happens.

As for my guinea pig, I have no idea how old she is, just that she was full grown when I got her. I don't know if she's had babies before, I don't know anything about her. So stressed doesn't even begin to cover it when I think about her having babies. I really just want her to be okay.

She seems to be days away from delivery, her babies are moving around like crazy and she's huge. (I'll post a picture later. I meant to have one ready but she really likes to be active.)

So I guess the reason I'm posting this because I want to know if there is any way I could help her if she's past her ideal age for having babies, or if there's a way I could help her in general. Also, is fleece bedding okay for babies? Ack. I just don't know. D:
You need to have a good exotics cavy savvy vet you can call at any hour in case she is indeed to old to deliver safely & needs emergency surgery, you need to have a good vet fund to pay for possible complications which could get expensive, and you need to visit a vet if you think she's gone over the safe appropriate time as it could be life threatening.

Gestation ranges from 53 to 73 days. As you where there when she became pregnant, you should be able to count the days. You'll need multiple cages to separate the pups, which is needed at 3 weeks. Fleece is safe for babies, but you do need to baby proof the cage by having higher coroplast sides or something similar covering the grids.

Is she eating well? Can you feel the pups moving when touching her sides? How is her behavior compared to normal?

Read through guinea lynx is my advice,
Actually when my dad and I made the cage we made the coroplast about 10 inches around on all sides anyway, so it's already babyproofed. She is definitely eating well and drinking like crazy, and I'm feeding her plenty of veggies as well as alfalfa hay. I can definitely feel her babies move. They're very active. Her behavior isn't very different aside from the fact that she's a little less active, but she still comes out and starts squeaking whenever I walk in with some lettuce or give her more hay. Also, if she is brought out of the cage (I only did this to take pictures) she starts running around like crazy. I have noticed her fur being fluffed up, is that bad?

And thanks for your advice, I will definitely start locating a emergency cavy vet. As for the cages, I have both the space and the money for them, so I'm not too worried about that. I just want her to have her babies and be okay first.

Here's a picture.
[GuineaPigCages.com] So freaking worried...
That sounds really great so far! Probably no need to build a second cage until you sex the pups, in case all are female. And as your little sister has a boy, expanding that cage will be enough for any possible boys.
Here's another one. She's huge. [GuineaPigCages.com] So freaking worried...
Alright, thank you. I'll let you know how everything goes!
Good luck with the pups!! I send prayers your way!!

My guinea pig's pelvic bones are separated, and seem to be growing wider apart. It seems she wasnt too old afterall:)

I still have an emergency vet number, just in case, but as of right now, things are looking up:)
Thank you for the support.
Babies! :D

[GuineaPigCages.com] So freaking worried...[GuineaPigCages.com] So freaking worried...

The birth went off without a hitch (she actually had them when I was at work) and everyone seems to be doing fine. Anything I should know about newborns or how to let their mother recuperate? And they're sexually mature at 3 weeks, right?
Cuties! You've got the cage baby-proofed, right?

The mom should be fine. You should watch the babies to be sure they're all getting a chance to nurse, since she only has dinner for two.

You can read (broken link removed) if you need help determining the sex. And yes, the males have to be taken out at three weeks.
Yep! The coroplast is about 10 inches all around.

And alright, will do. Thank you for the advice!
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