Weezer, I've been following your posts, and from what I can tell, you've been doing everything right. What you have to remember is that guinea pigs are prey animals, and so by nature, will always be wary of anything that is a million times larger than they are coming from above to grab them (wouldn't you be?). The majority of cavies will fight when you try to pick them up, but will eventually love to be held. This is natural, this is instinct, and there is nothing that can be done about their wary nature. But rest assured, with constant and gentle handling, petting, soft talking, and just being around them, your piggie will warm up to you.
The main issue is to earn your piggies trust. Try petting it in their cage instead of
only picking it up. If you teach it that not every kind of contact is the same, it will soon begin to get used to you being in its territory. Like I said, they will probably always hate the
process of being picked up, but will come to love the end result. Also, try getting it used to your scent by feeding it its favorite veggies out of your hand. It may not take the bait at first-- be patient. Keep trying different methods and always use positive reinforcement to teach your pigger that, "yes, this is ok!" However, remember that solitary pigs are not as active and vocal as pairs or herds of pigs, so it may seem that your pig is not "like the others." If this is an impossiblity, which I gather it is, it's OK! It just means that it may take a bit longer for your buddy to open up to you. But then it is up to
you to be its "cagemate" so it has the opportunity to become tame. Again, patience is the key.
Pigs take time to adjust, and you can't expect changes in mere days, or even weeks. Take your time, and you'll be amazed at how much your pig can change in a few months time. Just remember to keep your contact consistant; have lap time and floor time
every day. The only way to tame our piggers is to be consistant and patient, and in time they will become your best buddy!
I hope this has helped. The main places I found that talk about taming are (of course)
www.cavyspirit.com ,
www.guinealynx.com , and this site right here. I'd say that talking to others on forums is better than trying to find a guaranteed "rule" on line that tells you when your piggie will be tame. It depends on your effort to make your new friend comfortable in their home. And if you are unable to do this by finding them a same sex friend, then a C&C cage and your constant attention are the first steps. Good Luck!