Hi, I'm new to the site as I just got my very first two piggys ever, C.C. and nugs(aka nuggets) because shes leaves them wherever she goes. I have many questions about how to take the best care of my piggys I can but one in particular. Ever since I brought them home they have been sneezing nonstop. Ive had them for about two weeks now almost and I just noticed nugs has watery half closed eyes compared to C.C. Do guineas get colds??Should I be worried??
Yes, be worried. It could be an upper respiratory infection(URI) and I suggest you get them both a vet appointment soon, as in tomorrow. I don't mean to worry you, but it is critical that you do this. URI's are potentially fatal. https://guinealynx.com/emergencymedicalguide.html#handfeeding go here if she stops eating or drinking. Please try to take immediate action.