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sleeps in pile o' poo


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 11, 2005
Baby Cosmo was so tidy when I got him. In his little quarantine cage, he pooped in two corners, and that was that.
Now in the big cage with Timothy, Baby Cosmo spends most of his time hiding under the ramp overhang, and doesn't bother coming out to pee or poop. Thank goodness he's a shorthair, but the little guy still really stinks from sitting in it all the time.
Timothy, the big guy, seems to use the litterbox at least half the time, but the baby never caught on.
Do you know why Cosmo does this? How to break the habit?
Maybe you can put the litter box where he normally sleeps?
Heh, my pigs do it too. Lazy bums.
My two foster pigs are doing it in their hidey houses! I wish they would come out and do their business!
Yeah my girls used to soley use thier litter box, but no more! A little bit here, a little bit there... wherever it lands! So much for good little girls....
my little ones stay out of the mess, but the two older ones are too lazy to even get up
My guinea pigs go in their huts also. I thought it was becuase they aren't yet used to having a lot of space. But, one good thing is that I can remove the Carefresh from under the pigloos at night and replace it with fresh. It makes spot cleaning easy, and I know they have a clean place to sleep, at least at the beginning of the night.
Pigs are known to poo where ever they happen to be. Mine love to poo in their beds, hay box and everywhere in the cage, then take a nap where they just went. They are pretty good though at urinating in their litter box now.
My pigs never caught on so I just took the litterbox out and let them poop where they please.
Litterboxes really aren't for poo training but for pee training. I don't think no matter how hard anyone tries that they can train a pig to poo only in one place.
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