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Vet Skittish Piggies and the Vet


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 15, 2012
I've had my two new babies for about 4-5 days now, and I really want to bring them to the vet to make sure they're nice and healthy. But, I'm worried; they're very skittish still and do not like even being stroked gently with one finger, much less held or anything of the sort.

Will the vet still be able to examine them? Has anyone else done this when their piggies still weren't "tame", and how did it go for you?
I took my pigs to the vet before they were tame. They have to weigh them and such, and you should request a nice size bowl or tub they can set on top of the scale if they don't have a small animal scale with one built on.

When the actual vet came in, he must have been a wizard. He picked them up easily with little resistance. He was used to handling squirmy guinea pigs, though. I'm betting if your vet regularly handles small rodents, then you'll get the same thing.

One thing I dislike is the high exam tables. It seems dangerous with skittish pigs.
Eek, yeah, I worry about the exam tables too. In fact I had a terrible dream about one of my piggies falling off and getting hurt fatally; that certainly did not help my vet anxiety!!

I don't know how often my vet handles small animals. I've only ever seen cats and dogs in there, even though they claim they will examine all pets. Hmm...

I'm glad your experience was good though! I hope mine will be. ;~;
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