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My Baby Mu

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 4, 2004
My website is almost done it is much more then it was before. I have a few more things to put on and I'm hoping I will finish it today. Here is the link www.freewebs.com/diamondcavys
I like it! Keep in mind that you want to use professional language here, so keep it concise and to the point. Cavies, not cavys. Not meaning to be overly critical, I just think this will help. =)
Well that is what I put it as and once I get done I will go back if I have time and put cavies instead of cavys I forget most of the times. I do have the blankets, couches and beds posted on this site in the cozies photo album. I would have added this on the other threads that have my site involved but I just can't find them. I do keep in mind that that it is a international and do write in professional language but I may accedently put a uncapitalized letter that should be capitalized or cavys instead of cavies (never grasped the if there is a y change it too ie). I sometimesdon't put periods at the ends of sentences cause they have a website there and it would screw up the link. I do the best I can in spelling the y/ie thing and don't appriciate people who write without capitals, puncuation, and people who use substitutes for real words (u for you and wut for what and sumtimes for sometimes) it even gets hard for me to read.
Oh, yes, I know it can be frustrating at times, I didn't mean to be critical. Sorry if it hurt your work for the site. I wrote mine as raw html, and it is huge! I know how hard it is, and I'm glad you made it. Maybe it's a good idea to copy and paste the text into microsoft word, then spellcheck? Just an idea. Also, periods don't screw up links if you write them like this: <a href="sitegoeshere.com">text you want to appear here</a>. Note that the pwriod is outside of the <>s. Just a thought, trying to help as much as I can.
It's fine. It is hard but to make mine I clicked on begginer (even though I already made 2 websites) it is just easier. You do help a lot.
Ok, I'm glad you're doing this! Sorry if I spoiled your big site day.
Great site! I like the colors!! Can't wait to see the pics of everything!

Pictures, and you should probably calcualate shipping for each item, people usually like to know what they are getting and how much they are spending for it. Otherwise cute site!
my baby mu,

great site. cant wait to see it done! lianne
It is finally done!!!!! I finished it last night except for the pictures (can't put them on yet I explained later). I do have the pictures of the bed, couch and blankets here in the cozies photo gallery. It's not letting me put on pictures yet I think you have to be a member for a week before you put picture and guestbooks and stuff-for me that would be Sunday I'll try to get the picture then. I still have to go to the post office and ask for an estimate on how much it will cost-it is whatever the post office says it is. I looked on a site and it said that from where I live to the area code 82935 to ship a 5 inch x 5 inch x 5 inch 5 lbs box the cheepest was $3.10 something like that.
mncavylover- you didn't spoil my big site day.
I also have the chube and pilliows here too. They are in the photo gallery hidey houses and cozies.
looks great, although i would reccomend accurate shipping. i wouldn't leave it up to the customer to decide how much shipping money should be given
oh, i wanted to ask, what did you make the chubes out of?
I am going to the post office soon to get a chart on how much they cost. Mu's bed and 4 weighs about 13.5 ounces and a 12 inch by 16 inch cozy weighs aobut 2.5 ounces. The chubes are made out of cardboard stuff they are like the ones sold at the stores except thicker and isn't colored.
yes, free members on freewebs have to wait a week for the extras, just hang in there lol
That is what I thought. I knew you couldn't put guestbooks and that stuff on unless you have been a member for a week I wasn't quite sure about the pictures. I should have know I have 2 other sites on freewebs
you might want to add in some pics
That is what I am going to do today. I couldn't before because you have to be a member for a week to put in pictures and guestbooks and stuff like that.
ooh, tell us when the pics are in
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