So, I have, now, SEVEN guinea pigs (my GIRL who I thought was a BOY had babies or I would only have four.) with a three level 2X5 cage. Each level holds different sexes. Top and bottom each hold two boys and the middle three girls. They are covered in fleece. I have to vavcume each level everyday and I have to wash the fleece twice a week so it doesnt stink. (normally it stinks after three or four days. I am so tired of it taking 3 hours to wash and dry all the towels and fleece. It takes forever and stinks SO BAD after four days that your nose will sting just being in the room. Not only that but its clogging up my washer and dryer with hair. I dump all the poop out but the hair cloggs. I have been a fleece user for a year but before that I used Aspen, I can find it pretty cheap. Idk if I should switch back. It was different when I only had my three boys but then I adopted another "boy" and SHE had babbies and now I have a huge cage so its harder to clean. I think the shavings where earier, just dump them, wipe off the bottom with 1/2 vinagar 1/2 water and reload. The other thing is, is that two of my piggies are chewing the fleece, WITH HUGE HOLES!! And then they get under the fleece... and I wont know until I walk in there. Im afraid its going to trap when you fall through thin ice. Im stumped on what to do.