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Senior Guinea Pig; A companion?



I've had my guinea pig Taffy for six years now, and I was wondering if I should get him a friend? When I got him I was told that guinea pigs are solitary animals and hate being in groups. (Just goes to show how much that pet store knew). I was wondering, since he is older, if I were to get another guinea pig how should I go about introducing them? Do you think they would be ok? I've been looking at petfinder.com and cavyrescue.com for any guinea pigs to adopt around my house. Any information would be appreciated.
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Ok, thanks.

But the thing is, he hasn't been around another guinea pig for 6 years. (I feel so bad about that) Is there a good chance that he will accept another guiena pig? He is the sweetest guinea pig I've ever met, and I don't want to get a new guinea pig that will try to 'take over' his territory.
He will probably be fine. Once they figure it out, they really don't care who's dominant.
Ok, thanks. If it doesn't work out I can just divide his cage or have an excuse to make another one.
The best way to go is to try and find a spayed female. A male and female rarely don't get along.
kalrik said:
The best way to go is to try and find a spayed female. A male and female rarely don't get along.
The same go's for a young male, if he is domintie (sp?) try and adopt a more calm submissive one.
I just recently got a two year old male that had never been around another cavy before and I got him a new mate.. I went with the younger male option so I wouldn't have to stress him out with neutering. So far now they have been in their new cage (put them both in the 2x4 C&C cage at the same time so it was new territory for both of them) together for about a week and have not even offered to fight. I think I may have gotten lucky though because the older one seems very submissive and quiet. Honestly, I think he was just so happy to have some company and some room (his previous cage that he had lived in for 2 years was about 2 square feet of space... maybe!) to run and play that he didn't care what the younger one wanted to do. I would definitely do it again though.. they both seem very happy now and do popcorns on a pretty regular basis. I'm really enjoying my new venture into the cavy world with them!
This is not intended to be a sour note, but I've been wondering the same thing for my gps:

I have two aging boars. I don't want one to be alone when the other passes. But what is a good solution? If we adopt a young boar for company, then when my senior citizen passes away, the new gp will have to go through the whole process of loss and re-pairing again.

I've thought about when the situation comes, we could adopt a bonded pair of young boars. Any suggestions?
Heh, Ketus, the chain just keeps on going. You can never get out of cavy slavedom!! Heh, evil guinea pigs.

I think that if the pair has been together most of there life and you can tell the one that's left only has a few months, don't add to the stress just love him as best as you can alone.But if he is still kicken get him a buddy and keep on truckin'.
Two young boars around the same age sound like a good idea. Unless, like dagwell said, he's really getting old. Two young boars might be too much for him.
Thanks everyone, but I don't think I'm going to be getting Taffy a friend. He had what seemed to be a seizure a few months ago, but fully recovered. He is at my grandparents' house now because I was supposed to be out of town (didn't work out) and they called saying that it seems he had another one. My dad and I are picking him up in a little bit, we gave my grandparents the syringe (sp?) and vitamin C powder to mix in with either baby food or mashed fruit so they can feed him, but my grandpa said he has been refusing food. He ate a little apple, carrot and timothy hay, though.
I think that is the best choice.
Has anyone evr read the book "The Granny Man"? its about this old cat who is so old that he doesn't think he can live any longer, his family adopts a kitten.

The old cat "Grannyman" stays alive because of the kitten. He teaches it how to do everything that real cats do, eating, playing, etc.

Anyway, your story sort of reminds me of the grannyman. I wonder if it would really work if you adopted a baby cavy.

Just thinking. . . :)

good luck
Chrissy: Sorry to hear the bad news about your piggy. I hope the rest of his life is comfortable and full of love.

And Dagwell, you're absolutely right, I've come to accept that this will never end!!
You say that like its a bad thing!! lol
Thanks again.

After reading some things, I've decided that Taffy had a heart attack. It said that they will be weak on their legs and lethargic. It also says to take him to the vet right away, but going to the vet is what caused the first one. He gets really stressed out in the car or when I take him out of the house. He's eating better and walking around beter, though.
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