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Second Level


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 10, 2004
How many of you have second levels to your cage? Do your pigs use them alot? Do they make cleaning harder in any way. I want to build another level, but I'm not sure if I should. My cage is already big enough but I think it would be cool to have a hay loft.
Im glad you started this topic, ive been thinking the same thing
Oh well, I just made it anyway! It only took me 25 minutes. I made the ramp out of two bent grids. I covered the ramp with some carpet. Its a 2x1 loft and I've put some fresh hay in. I left both at the top and they figured how to get down the ramp. I just saw Furlong in the loft, so yay!
lol! you made it quick!
I know! I had made the ramp before hand because I was thinking of making a loft anyway. It turned out it was too big so I had to change it today. Its only a little 2x1 and I had loads of connectors. I'l take some pics later on
yees! pictures ASAP! LOL
The cage is a bit of a mess, so let me tidy up first!
ok, ok. ill wait patiently :D

la la la la....hmmmm.......
That's neat, Piglet!

As you may know, I have two upper levels. One is a 2x3, and the other is a 2x1. The smaller one is on the right, and the original (larger) one is on the left. I made a ramp out of bent grids and a rug, and the new loft is directly right of the first level of ramp that leads to the original loft. Sorry if this is confusing, look at some pics:


Hope that helps!

They use the large loft quite often, just about as often as the lower level actually. The smaller one they don't go to so much, which may be because it's more difficult to reach and it is newer, I'm not sure.
Amazing cage mn!

This is a really really quick pic of the loft
[GuineaPigCages.com] Second Level

I'l take better ones in the morning
Thanks, Piglet! :D

Yours looks very cute as well, I love it when pigs burrow in hay. The cage looks lived-in, even better! Nothing is worse than a sterile environment.
awesome piglet! and looks like the pigs are adjusting to it very quicjly!
They are! They look so cute running up and down the ramp. I just put their food up there, turned off the lights (they like it when its dark), and I stood outside the door and they both darted up there. Tomorrow, I'l take pics of the whole cage and put it into the photo galleries. God, as the cage expands my bedroom shrinks!

I agree, I don't like it when I see all the hay just stuffed in the hay rack. I love just throwing it around the cage
Lol, that's how it works I guess... as their areas expand, ours seems to shrink rapidly! You've got to love them though.
Oh gosh, my mum hasn't seen it yet. She'll freak out, thinking that I've made the cage too big. My dad and brother like it though
Hey, at least you've got one half of the parents on your side! After all, it's just building up, not out. Very cool.
I suppose... My mum wants me to move the cage into the garage. The GARAGE!! Its freezing in there. She just doesn't like the mess in my room, but I keep it as tidy as I can
Wow, that's pretty bad. It's my mom who sides with me, so I guess I'm lucky there. I'd never let them even suggest putting them outside! The pigs are lucky to have you.
Thanks! There is one upside to having the cage in the garage, I could have a 5x3. Wooooowwwww. With a huge second level. But no, they are staying in my room. I love waking up to their wheeking. They are my personal alarm clock
That is very cute! I'm sure they want food, right? The garage isn't good for much besides a larger cage, and I think anyone would rather have a heated, smaller cage with playmates than to be left in their large cage alone.
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