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Script appearing on login page and posting.


Cavy Star, Photo Contest Winner
Cavy Slave
Nov 10, 2013
[GuineaPigCages.com] Script appearing on login page and posting.

I've been getting this script when logging in for the past couple of weeks, and had a different one pop up to me today when posting a reply too.
Any ideas what's going on/has anyone else been getting this?
this thing has been popping up the last couple days when logging in on a computer (don't know about my phone, Im always already logged in when I open the page).
curious to see what this is about too, thanks for bringing it up
I've been getting this also. On my phone and tablet. Thanks for bringing it up. Hopefully someone will see this and explain it.
I'm always on my computer so I get it with every login haha lol I even asked my boyfriend who literally builds computers and he didn't have a clue so I'm definitely curious myself!
Mine, too, but it doesn't affect me accessing the threads.
Tech support installed some new updates on the forum. I guess it has something to do with that.
I'll send them a message.
It's fixed now. Thanks!
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