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General scented candles bad for cavies?!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 26, 2011
so i heard somewhere that scented candles are bad for guinea pigs - the scent can create breathing problems. so, i gave away ALL my delicious Yankee Candles:weepy: now, i just read that someone suggested using scented candles to deal with the "smell" of guinea pigs in the house. so, you guys are the experts - give me the skinny - is it okay or not to occasionally burn scented candles around guinea pigs??:crazy:
I can see where burning ANY candles around Guinea Pigs could be dangerous, considering Guinea Pigs have low immunity to many respiratory failures and the like.


(though, I am no expert. I don't even have any Piggies yet...... but I am getting them on Thursday!)
Imagine being in a burning building, smoke is rising and entering your lungs, you feel horrible...You would NEVER want your guinea pigs to go through that, would you? Guinea pigs are prone to respiratory failure so i would NEVER burn candles around them. The smoke enters their tiny little lungs and may cause respiratory failure. So my answer is NO, never burn ANY candles around your piggies. (P.S. Sorry for the exaggeration )

Julia :)
Hey, I think you were referring to my post from before. I don't light scented candles around my pigs, but I do have a couple in my living room. My guinea pig is located far from the area. I mentioned it because she said her whole apartment smells that way.
hi again ;) my apartment consists of only 2 rooms haha it is small.
My niece used to burn candles a lot in her bedroom and it formed a waxy film on her ceiling. It made me wonder if we inhale that wax when the candle burns in an enclosed room.
i didn't have any problem with what you said - your post just made me think of this question:heart:

also, i forgot to mention i was referring to SOY based candles - i've heard lots about the dangers of wax based candles for people and animals!.:yuck:
Ah I see, no prob :)

@pinky I think candy sprinkles are wax too, I have eaten a lot of sprinkles in my life lol.
Ah I see, no prob :)

@pinky I think candy sprinkles are wax too, I have eaten a lot of sprinkles in my life lol.

Burning wax candles can really mess up your ceilings, though. I'd imagine there is a difference between eating the wax, although it's probably not too great on our digestive tract, and inhaling "residue" from the burning wax candles, which is dangerous. I don't think soy candles pose a danger, though.
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