I just wanted to share this with everyone so you are aware of any dangers of Carefresh.....
My friend''s guinea pig just died because late at night Garfeild, the guinea pig, tipped the food bowl over and the pellets spilled into the Carefresh. Garfeild then started eating the pellets of the ground. He gotten a peice of Carefresh in his mouth too because he choked on it and died.
Not that this is very likely to happen a lot, but I just wanted to share this.
My friend''s guinea pig just died because late at night Garfeild, the guinea pig, tipped the food bowl over and the pellets spilled into the Carefresh. Garfeild then started eating the pellets of the ground. He gotten a peice of Carefresh in his mouth too because he choked on it and died.
Not that this is very likely to happen a lot, but I just wanted to share this.