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Saw Vet Guinea Pigs Should Definately Have Vitamin C Supplements


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 6, 2005
I just changed Vets and brought them in for a parasite checkup since I noticed dandruff on one. $200.00 Later, guinea pigs looked good, may have fungal skin problem. Anyway, we were discussing vitamin C. I told him about this site and all the information I was receiving. He was very impressed with how knowledgeable I was on guinea pigs. I liked him also. He seemed pretty intelligent on piggys. He did mention that guinea pigs SHOULD get Vitamin C supplements a few times a day if possible even though they get veggies. Reason is that its better for them to have this vitamin in their system throughout the day because many people give veggies once or sometimes twice and the vitamin is eliminated from their body quickly. He said the more vitamin C the better. You can never overdose a piggy with this. Also said because many people have many pigs its hard to know how much vitamin C each one is getting. He said its better to be safe than sorry. Sounds good to me.
I think once a day is good, a few times a day seems excessive
Personally, my opinion is that it depends on what veggies the pigs are getting. I feel my girls get enough through 3-4 veggie feedings a day plus what is in their pellets. If one of my girls get sick then I will give the extra C.
I would say twice a day would be preferred. Once a day if your feeding enough you won't see any deficiencies. If vit c was eliminated that fast there would be alot more people and guinea pigs with health problems. I was having alot of blood tests done because of vit deficiencies. I took a 500mg vit c pill 48hrs before the test and didn't really eat anything with vit c in it. I still tested near adequate levels. Levels may not stay high all day with 1 feeding but they are still at an adequate level to stop any deficiency in most animals.
I've never routinely supplememnted my guineas with vitamin C, but that said, they get a good quality mix and a lot of fresh greens. Never had a problem.
If you were to give your piggies a vitamin C supplement. What brand would be the best?
any brand that is 100% vitamin C with nothing else, I use oxbow's supplements
I got mine from a health food store. They are fruit flavored. 100 mg. I cut them in half and give 50 mg. each. One of my piggies love it the other takes it once in awhile.
How do you give a piggie a tablet or a half tablet?
(without getting nipped) I've never done it and am considering it,
Any special techniques?
Also, is it really necessary? I mean , in the wild theres no Vitamin C tablet tree,
If a piggie is deficient in Vitamin C, how would we know? Symptoms?
There seems to be alot of varying opinions but little facts on the ramifications of not getting enough, WILL THEY GET SICK if I choose not to give a pill?

Cheers people!
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I also have basically the same question as guineagurl. How exactly do you give it to them. I have Oxbow vitamin C tablets but they will not just eat it if I give it to them. It seems cruel to syringe feed it to them everyday because they both hate syringe feeding.
Most people here feel that if you are giving your piggies enough vegetables containing vitamin C and good pellets your piggy doesnt need it. I just give it to them because it cant hurt them and it gives me peace of mind. You cannot overdose them with vitamin C so why not. I just cut them in half and give it to them by hand. I hold it by the tip and they take it from my hand. Some people crush it into tiny pieces and sprinkle it over their food. I wouldnt syringe them myself. Too stressful. Is oxbow vitamin C fruit flavored? Mine are. I dont want to make an issue out of this. Like I said I give it to them because it gives me peace of mind and they eat it so why not.
Ya the Oxbow I have are flavoured, Im not sure what kind because the vet just gave me some to sample, but they smell fruity.
One of my pigs I just hold out the pill and he takes it and eats it. The other pig I have to pick up and wiggle the pill around a bit until it gets between his teeth. Once it's there for a few moments, he gets the idea and starts crunching. I'm assuming at some point he'll get to where the first piggie is. I've never been bit doing this as they seem to have figured out what my fingers are and don't bite them. They just delicately take the food. I haven't been bit for a year although my 2 year old got bit last week when she gave the pig her finger along with a carrot (it was totally her fault, not the pigs). FYI - she is fine now.
For pigs who don't want to eat the tablets, crush it up and sprinkle on wet veggies. If pigs don't get enough Vitamin C in their diets, they will develop scurvy and ultimately die from it.

They won't get sick if you don't give them a pill provided they have enough Vit. C through their pellets and veggies. That's why veggies such as bell pepper, cilantro and leafy greens are highly recommended.
Could someone please tell me what FYI means and SP?
I see it all over here and have no idea!
FYI=for your information
sp=spelling (most people use sp? if they aren't sure how to spell a word)
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