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Sandpaper for ramp covering?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 9, 2005
I was wondering if covering a ramp in sandpaper would be safe? I thought it would provide good traction while also helping with nail length. I don't know if it would be too hard on piggie feet, though, or harmful if they chewed it. Any thoughts?
NO NO NO NO. Thats my opinion. They will hurt there feet. I may be wrong but please wait for someone with more experiance to post but NO for now.
I don't think that would be a good idea in my opinion - the pads on their feet are really soft and they would rub against the sandpaper. Try carpet - much softer and less abbrasive.
Ok, thank you, that is what I kind of thought but wanted to check and make sure. I can't build the second level this weekend anyhow because the second sheet of Coroplast had to be ordered. Thanks!
I have had sandpaper on my piggers' ramp for a few weeks now. Their feet look fine.
It seems too rough to me, unless you get the very fine grain. And even then, the risk of ingestion is not worth it in my opinion. Could you imagine sandpaper going through your digestive system? Yow!
With all the running up and down the ramp mine do, it's not safe with sandpaper.
I would say no, I think it is to rough for there feet.
Won't carpeting hurt the guineapigs if they eat it?
I recently put carpet in my pigs loft and they have taken a nibble or two and have been fine. Usually once the new wears off they don't care about chewing it anymore. I don't recommend sandpaper for ramps.
I just went and got some small loop office/hard use type carpeting from Home Depot. I think it should be ok as long as nails don't get stuck in the loops. I will try it and see....it was only $4 afterall! Thanks everyone for talking me out of sandpaper. I know Zander said it should be ok, but after thinking about it I want to make the ramp with the bent grids because I don't think my piggies will run up an open ramp because they are really scaredy pigs! I think the carpeting will be better with the grids than sandpaper would be.
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