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salt rings


Cavy Calm
Cavy Gazer
Feb 20, 2005
I was in a store yesterday and noticed salt rings for piggies. I don't have mine yet so I'm still researching and questioning... what exactly are these and are they recommended? Thanks =)
They're just...rings of salt. They don't need them and they just make them thirsty.
My pigs never liked them. In my opinion there a waste of money.
Actually, they do need salt rings - my vet recommended them. I know some don't use them, but you should always have one in the cage. I hang 2 on the side of the cage and my one pig loves it, so the others have started to follow her.
Salt licks or rings are bad for cavies. They should NOT be given.
Ly&Pigs said:
Salt licks or rings are bad for cavies. They should NOT be given.
Not sure where you got your info, but since my vet recommended them and they don't appear to be causing my pigs any harm, I will stick to the advice from my vet - reliable source.

Some of the info I have seen given on this site is so inaccurate I can't believe it. I have done lots of reading and research on GP, but I don't consider myself an expert. Unless you are all vets specializing in GP I would be careful the type of info you force on people.
4girls I would trust ly. She knows a lot about guinea pigs. She knows more then you so I would listin to her.
Poohbear said:
4girls I would trust ly. She knows a lot about guinea pigs. She knows more then you so I would listin to her.
You know nothing about me or my knowledge of GP. Just because Ly knows how to give information it does not mean she always knows what she is talking about - I have seen her give inaccurate info since I have been on this site.
I have been looking up cavies for 5 years + I have been on this site longer.
4Pigs, tell me why guinea pigs need salt in their diet? In the wild would they have salt rings hung up on bushes? I trust ly and I don' t think she has ever given incorrect information. Care to expand on the "inncacurate info"
Salt Rings have minerals in them that are good for GP. Like I said, my vet recommended them. I guess if a vet recommends something you all don't agree with then the info is wrong.

I don't have to explain myself otherwise. I just know I have seen people verbally attacked on this site when all they are looking for is advice and support.

There is a lot of info out there on GP and not all of it is reliable. I was doing quite fine with the info I had until I started reading this site. I have gotten most of my info from books and my vet and yet I see the same info shot down on this site.

Also, each pig is different and needs to be treated differently. I have 4 guinea pigs and foster pigs and I have yet to have a sick or unhappy pig in my care.
cangirl asked a question and we replied. We gave her our answer...

This site has to be one of the MOST reliable sites on the web. I can't get onto Guinea lynx at the mo but once I do I'll tell you why salt licks are bad. Most books are outdated, how can you expect to get reliable information from them. If you don't like this forum/website then why have you posted 90 times?

Im glad your pigs have stayed healthy. Let them remain like this touchwood
I get 90% of my cavy information from guinealynx. Are you going to now tell me that all the people there are wrong? There are many cavy experts on gl that have had pigs for years. I trust gl more than I trust ANY other site on the internet when it comes to what is good or not good for piggies.

Here are some things that those folks have to say about salt wheels/salt licks.
They can actually make a pig potentially hypertensive and can completely imbalance a decent diet. (courtesy of Josephine who has extensive medical knowledge of cavies)

The only thing you'll do with a salt lick is dehydrate your pig. (courtesy of ChadWPB)

They could OD on salt (they get it in their pellets as well) and it could cause more health problems. (courtesy of HollyT)

It's extremely hard on their kidneys and they can get serious complications from the excess sodium. (courtesy of Evangeline)

Shall I keep going? If you want to listen to your vet, by all means go ahead. But I also would like to know all the "inacurrate info" that I am giving.
why is 4girls name in blue?
She may be banned or has a warning. I am cool had his/her name in blue when he/she got banned.
Nope, her name is in blue because she is still awaiting email confirmation. At least that's what it says in the user manager. Usually you can't post unless you confirm your account.
I use a mineral (brown) salt wheel in my cage. Why are they bad for piggies? I didn't know this. My vet told me the salt wheels provide a vitamin/mineral supplement that they don't get from pellets.
WOW...I have 4 kids, a cat, a dog, and a hamster and it seems that the GP will be more complicated than all of them. Actually, I think this site is amazing. Before I came in here I had never heard of a C&C cage and I am definitely building one for our new piggies. I just hope I don't cause debates like this with every question. Thanks again.
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