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Salt Licks


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 16, 2004
Do cavies need salt licks?
Nope. They can cause problem such as kidney stones, too, especially the mineral licks. =)
mncavylover said:
Nope. They can cause problem such as kidney stones, too, especially the mineral licks. =)
whew... Thats one expence I can erase from my list!
Not to mention dehydration. Salt licks are useless.
Just out of simple curiosity, why are they even sold? I know around here (farm country) we see large blocks of salt in cow pastures, what purpose do they serve?
Denise said:
Just out of simple curiosity, why are they even sold? I know around here (farm country) we see large blocks of salt in cow pastures, what purpose do they serve?
i know that cows lick salt. if you went up to a cow to pet it, it would just lick and lick your hand because of the salt in our skin. i don't think cows would get dehydrated like guinea pigs....i think its good for them? but i could be wrong of course
Denise said:
Just out of simple curiosity, why are they even sold?

They're sold because pet shops know they can make money out of telling people their pets need them. Many pet shops also sell inappropriate guinea pig foods that have seeds, nuts, hydrogenated fats, colourings and other medleys of chemicals in - it's not about what's best for the pigs, it's what's best for profits. Probably a lot of pet shop owners/ workers don't even know they're not needed.

Every animal needs some level of salts in its body, but they should be able get what they need from a good balanced and natural diet (same as people - I've never added salt to my food in my entire life). Guinea pigs certainly can anyway although I can't comment about cows as I don't know much about their needs!
Thanks Treen. I commend your use of no salt. I personally am a salt-a-holic who is trying to cut back.
guess my piggy are on a salt free diet
mncavylover said:
Nope. They can cause problem such as kidney stones, too, especially the mineral licks. =)
Really???!! Can mineral licks really cause problems??? Because I have a friend who has a piggy and she gives her piggy mineral licks... She told me the petstore told her to.. I will definantly tell her to stop... I had no idea, I have never used mineral or salt licks, but now I definantly know not to...
Ah, but of course the pet store would tell her to. That's why they tell you to buy their overpriced, too-small cages: to make money. Don't we all love pet stores? It's a good thing you're looking out for her pigs. =)
mncavylover said:
Ah, but of course the pet store would tell her to. That's why they tell you to buy their overpriced, too-small cages: to make money. Don't we all love pet stores? It's a good thing you're looking out for her pigs. =)
I will definantly keep a closer eye on how she takes care of her piggie. Especially because she has one of my piggie's (oops litter) babies. She has had her since around July... But I have been trying to convince her to get a friend for her piggy but she won't. I am quite mad at her... But there is nothing I can do unless I steal the piggy back or something.... I think I will go and see her again to find out how her piggy is doing........

Oh yes I abosuly adore petstores *sarcastic look*.......... They are just so wonderful (NOT!!!!!!!!!!!)..................................
Ok. I hope you are able to convince her to get another piggy. Did you have her sign something saying she'd take good care of the pig? If you did, then you may be able to take the pig back. Good luck! =)
mncavylover said:
Ok. I hope you are able to convince her to get another piggy. Did you have her sign something saying she'd take good care of the pig? If you did, then you may be able to take the pig back. Good luck! =)

I just called I am going over to see her piggy tomorrow, I will try to convince her tomorrow. When she took the piggy I made her sign a form that said "I will not breed this gp at any time in its life, I will keep it until this piggies life is over, and take good care of it for all of its life" I also gave her a petstore cage to keep the piggy in (for a short amount of time) so she could build a new cage that was bigger. She says she has a new built cage so I am curious to see if she made a C&C cage because I gave her the website...
I will just have to see all in good time....
Ok, great! Post how things go tomorrow! =)
mncavylover said:
Ok, great! Post how things go tomorrow! =)
You will never believe what she houses her piggy in. A plastic tub, just like it says not to on the cavycages website. I gave her the website and told her to read the whole thing and then make a cage. Well she said she did some looking around and said she found the tub idea at this website.
(broken link removed)
its the 8th pic down. Except she doesn't even house her piggy in low tubs she houses it in high tubs. With the lid on except she drilled holes in the tub and lid. The tub is 12 in. wide and 24 in. long. I asked her why she didn't make a C&C cage and she said it was too big and that she thought it would cost to much money.. I am very mad at her. I told her she had better make a new cage or the piggy comes home with me. (Which would be quite convenient for me seeing as I need a new cage mate for my other piggy, I would just have her piggy spayed. And then not have to deal with finding a cage mate somewhere else). But I decided to give her a second chance because she has a daughter, age 7 who absolutly loves the piggy. So if the conditions don't change then I will take the piggy but if she builds a new cage then she can keep the piggy.
Spaying a girl is not the best option around, I believe if given the choice, it is easier to neuter the boy.
NoVeil said:
Spaying a girl is not the best option around, I believe if given the choice, it is easier to neuter the boy.
Why is not the best option (I have heard that before on this forum)?
I have had a female spayed before.
I think they can get a weird kind of pneumonia. I am not sure, I just know that I have seen it on several places as well as many people who don't recommend spaying the female unless there is no other option.
How utterly frustrating! If I was there, I would tell her to give me 30 or 40 bucks and make it myself. Unless, of course, I wanted that little piggy... then I'd just let her do it, and do what you are doing. Good luck with her! =)

Oh, and I think the reason not to get a female spayed is that if there are problems, they are on the inside and are therefore harder to treat.
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