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Sad little piggy? Please help me!


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 10, 2005
Okay, about a month ago I built a new C & C cage (2 x 4 with a 3 grid base upper level) for my gp Charlie.

He was really happy in his old cage, but when I logged on here and started reading everything, I thought he needed more space (even though he gets tons of floor time with basically the run of the whole apartment.) He's a fast little guy, too!

Anyway, I'm really worried now because he hardly moves around in the new space at all.

He's always liked to hide under things (blankets, towels, etc.), but now it seems that's all he does. He sits on his blankie all day or constantly hides under a towel on the top deck.

I put a fleece blankie down just under the ramp to the second level (where he also spends most of his time hiding, if I place him there - he still won't use the ramp.) He sits there almost all day and night long, though he comes out to eat and drink and his appetite certainly hasn't changed any.

However, he hasn't even begun to explore the cage and he's basically only using 1/2 the amount of space he had in his old cage.

Did I do something wrong? Should I change something? Please let me know what you guys think. I'm really worried I did something wrong!
Maybe he is lonely is such a big space and could use a friend?
Well, I'm actually adopting a new friend for him at the end of the month.

However, when he's out on the floor he is all over the apartment exploring and this is nearly on a daily basis (sometimes he just likes to go to his favorite hiding spots).

I'm still worried.
Did I do something wrong? Should I change something? Please let me know what you guys think. I'm really worried I did something wrong![/QUOTE] Ahhhh you did nothing wrong! I think getting him a friend would make him happy again.
NO you did do any thing wrong and he is problaby still a little scarred about being in a new cage with differet smells and stuff,just get him a friend and he will be happy in on time. Hey are gp have the same name .......clonesssssss
Sometimes it takes a little while for a pig to get used to a bigger cage. As long as he eats and drinks he should be okay. A buddy will be good for him. My pigs don't do much but lay in their towel tents all day; every gp is different.
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