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Ruby might be ill- constipation???


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 21, 2004
Ruby has been very lethargic all day- never coming up to the cage to greet me or even get out of her sitting position. the only time she actually moved around in her cage was when I was chasing her around to get her out! I had her out for about 2 hours, and she NEVER pooped once, only peed one time. Then right now, Christy had her hand on her and something "kicked" her side. Some people knokw she might be pregnant- could she be like this because she might be preggy? I'm worried because my mom won't take me to the vets and my dad might not be able to.. She's not eating either, a few bites of lettuce then she goes her own way. She MIGHT be constipated, maybe. What should I do?!
I think it's Vitamin C Definciency. I looked it up on GL and she has two of the symptons. What should I do?! Should I go to Walgreens now, because we don't have any vitamin c tablets or anything. I tried to feed her a red pepper and she would NOT eat it. Someone please help!
How old is she? How long have you had her?

What is her diet?

You can usually find liquid vit c in the children's section of GNC or stores like that. Or get a chewable Vit C tablet and dissolve it, then syringe it to her.

Can you put lots of leafy greens in front of her?
I know you feed lots of veggies Ruby, I doubt if it's Vit C deficiency. Many illnesses have some of the same symptoms. You need to start handfeeding asap. If she got pregnant, it was only what a week or two ago? You wouldn't be feeling kicking this early.

Right now I am thinking bloat.
Check her tummy and tell me if it is firm or soft.
It's firm, and it's making noises.

Ruby will be three years old in December.
I would get her to a vet asap! Plead with your parents if you have to but she really needs a vet if she's that lethargic, not pooping much and seems constipated/bloated.
You should post this on GL to be certain but it sounds like bloat to me.

I have no experiance with bloat in pig but I do in dogs. My dog needed emergency surgery to save her life. If it's the same she needs a vet. Without emergency treatment her stomach could twist, cut off the blood supply and she could die.

I'm sorry to be so blunt but bloat with torsion is one of the few true medical emergencies. She needs to see a vet as soon as possible. Try to convince your parents of the dire need.
So she DOES need a vet. I believe my sister and her boyfriend are still here so they can probably get me to one. What will they probably do ?
If she hasn't twisted her stomach yet they may stick a tube down her throat to release the gas. If that doesn't work they will have to go through the stomach wall with a syringe or tube.

If she has twisted (torsioned) she will need an operation to rotate her stomach back into position with a gastropexy (belt loop) or stiches to hold he stomach in place.

She may need some intestine removed and/or her spleen if the oxygen supply to her organs has been compromised.

If it's bloat honey you need to brace yourself for the worst. It's a tough thing for an animal to beat. BUT it was not your fault. It just happens and there is nothing you did to cause it.
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I wish you luck. My thoughts are with you and Ruby.
I can't find any exotic emergency vets. I've called all the emergency clinics and only one says that they can LOOK at her. I don't know what to do, should I go to that clinic?
Yes, maybe they can help. Or maybe they will have an exotic vet's # to call if they see it's really an emergency
We keep calling other numbers because they keep saying some other clinic might specialize, but they all say that they can take a look at her.
Right now if you can't find another clinic to take her to, take her to the one that says they can see her. We don't know for sure if this is a life threatening emergency but your better safe than sorry.
Yes, that's why I asked about diet. If you're feeding her lots of greens, I doubt it is that. Definitely always consult a vet. Good luck.

There is a vet thread at guinealynx. Are any of those near you?

Or a rabbit/ exotics vet? (broken link removed) They tend to know gps too, so maybe one of those can help.

This thread may help you: https://www.guinealynx.info/forums/viewtopic.php?t=9157
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I went to the vets, but since my mother is stubborn and will NOT take me to the vet, we went with my sister and her boyfriend.

Turns out you have to have a relative that's at least 18 years old- my sister will turn 18 in a few months, so I couldn't have Ruby checked out. Rabbitsncavyluv, I wasn't here when you gave me those links, and I would try to go to one of them but now I don't have a ride.

I tried everything, I talked to like 10-15 different clinics and looked them up but none were really specialized in piggers and when I went to one I couldn't get Ruby in. I feel so stupid and I know I let Ruby down and because of me she's probably going to die.
Ruby's belly isn't feeling so firm anymore and it's not making noises- but I don't think that bloating can just go down on it's own, can it?
I can't believe they would not look at her because you are not 18. I took my do to the vets when I was 14 yrs old and I even made my own apts. Paid with my own money. The only time they would not do is if it is surgery of some kind they must speak to someone over 18 but I could bring him in for surgery and drop him off. I think that it is wrong. I hope she is ok now.
I don't think so.

Has she pooped? Will she eat? Can you syringe her some fluids i.e. water or pedialyte?

Can you read that GL thread? It has a lot of info in it.
She is eating now- a lot better than she was. I think she might get through an entire Romaine leaf. She might have pooped, I'm going to check the carrier.
I'm going to read the GL thread right now.

Her stomach is making noises again..

EDIT-- Nevermind. She stopped eating the Romaine leaf. But she DID poop once. It looks all clumped together.
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