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Canada Rescue website!!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 2, 2004
Looking for a rescue shelter in your area or a breeder? (broken link removed) is a very helpful website!!
That's a great link as it has plenty of resources for people looking to rehome unwanted animals. There's no information on finding pigs through breeders there though, and as this is a rescue friendly site, we wouldn't want a link of that nature up anyway!
I do rescue in Nova Scotia. my site is (broken link removed)

I have a hard time giving up my piggies. haha People cll "The spca told me you have guinea pigs" 'nope"

good thing there is another girl rescuing them here will to adopt out. I can't seem to part with mine :)
I was looking at when those had been updated so i'll have to call the place to make sure there still open!!
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