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rescuded guinea pig need help


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 28, 2004
Hi I rescued a piggie i have him in a 4 foot by 3 foot terrium somebody droped him off at my rescue.eerr..i have cedar shavings right now out of care fresh but i want ot get him a new cage and toys.But i dont have a lot of money right now im a non profit rescue but if you guys have any idea what i should do i have so many rats and sugargliders taking up space its hard to get a big cage in my house thanks this little guy is so cute lol
I wouldn't even have cedar shavings around any of those animals. It will cause at minimum respiratory problems for the animals and possibly people around the cages. I assume with terrarium you mean glass sides which have no ventilation and could make the smell unbearable for the guinea pig. Kiln dried pine isn't that much more expensive than cedar and it's much safer. I wish they'd just stop selling cedar bedding completely. For something else cheaper than carefresh you can pick up wood stove pellets and then throw in a towel or I use pillow cases cause they don't stick to the bedding for the guinea pig to lay on. Wood pellets are very absorbent and I use them with a thin layer of carefresh over it. You could also do the same with some shavings over top. Without anything mixed in they are about like sleeping on rocks so provide places for the pig to get off them. The pellets will also last longer and eliminate ammonia buildup much better than carefresh and shavings alone. I have to clean twice as often using carefresh by itself. At least give the pig a box or several to hide in even if you don't have toys or expensive hidey houses. Make sure he has hay and fresh veggies and he should be alright for awhile. The terrarium seems large enough there should be a fair amount of air circulation unless the sides are really high but like sugar gliders guinea pigs need good ventilation so building him something like a c&c cage would probably be alot better. C&C cages can be built into odd shapes if you don't have a long enough space.
Fleece is the cheapest bedding you can get. The initial price is higher than wood chips but you save money in the long run.. I think that if you clean the cage ALOT like every other day or so, It would be suitable, I've seen some cages on here made with plexiglass. I think that 3 ft x4 ft would be like 12sg ft which is a commendable size.
Since You want a new cage you could robably make a 2x3 or 2x4 since the cage you have takes up some room anyway.
C&C cages are very cheap, cheaper than most petstore cages. You can get the coroplastfor anywhere from 5- 20 dollars. The cubes from 10-20 dollars (they are alot more expensive if you have them shipped.) If you don't have cable ties or a utillity knife that would take the cost up a little. The cage price is usually around $50 dollars including a toy or two
ok well i just put old towls in there and took out the pine.but hes peeing and pooping on thereand its so messy ????
It's kind of hard to read your posts Degulover.
You will have to change your towels very often. You don't have any other bedding? You could always shrep up some old newspaper with no ink on it, but you need to change that very often, too.
Sorry I was in a rush! Ok well I might get another piggies she has a problem with her teeth.The bottem ones stick out to far so she can drink but little and eat little.Can I keep them in that terrerium together?I could go to a second hand store and pick up some old towels so i can keep switching them when I wash.Also can piggies be litter trained and can you use yesterdays news for bedding.
sorry spelling error just one more piggie
I use towels, but they stay nice for days. You need to sweep up daily, and put several layers of newspapers underneath. In the corners put in more sheets. I have no clue what a terranium, or whatever its called, is. The size is good, but could you describe the cage? Yes, its safe to put in another same sex pig. However, you must quarantine beforehand. Go to www.cavyspirit.com for more info on quarantine
If her teeth are messed up take her to the vet ASAP that is more important than a new cage.
I think you mean trarium(speling) degulover. is where you keep plants in. It ussaly has glass walls and does not ussaly have a top.
Terrariums I know of are usually used to house reptiles and almost always have glass or acrylic sides. Some are short sided but some can have 2-3ft high sides which is why I still wondered about ventilation. It would be about like an aquarium with somewhat thinner materials to make it cheaper to build but wouldn't hold the same water pressure. Although I've heard some people with mesh sided reptile enclosures call it a terrarium.
Your pigs teeth might just be overgrown and need a trim to make her ok. Take her to a guinea pig knowledgeable vet and make sure he checks her back teeth too. If front teeth have problems back teeth almost always do too. I gave up on fleece cause I couldn't change it daily and do that wash every week. It would be alot better with 1-2pigs though instead of 7.
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