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Coroplast Report Cover Spine on Coroplast Edges - How?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 7, 2011
Has anyone added the report cover plastic spines to the edges of their coroplast to give it a nicer look? If so, how did you get it on and also how did you get it over the two layers of coroplast around corners. This is the stuff:
I don't have two layers of coroplast at the corners.

You just slip them over the coroplast like you would if you were putting it on a report cover.
I don't have two layers of coroplast at the corners.

You just slip them over the coroplast like you would if you were putting it on a report cover.

How did you do your corners then? Did you cut off the access and just tape the seam? Sorry if this question sounds stupid, I just hate my corners!
Yep. I cut the "wings" off and just taped the corners together from the outside.
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