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Cage Renewal


Cavy Slave
Feb 4, 2012
I have two cages, one smaller and one larger, I had joined to get more space, but after an unfortunate incident (Baddy was hurt jumping from one cage to 'other) I decided it is best to connect the two cages in a more secure, so as to avoid the jump! But how? I show you photos, cages, and the passage that I used before!
I am open to your suggestions and ideas, help me!


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Do the corners of the cages come apart? If so, I'd disassemble both cages and make one large square or rectangle. I wouldn't use the bases at all but would replace them with coroplast, if you can find it, or a shower curtain liner or plastic covered table cloth under it. They need more open space to run.
I see that the black wire cage has a sliding door. Take the door off and cover with coroplast or fabric and use as a ramp for one side. Then go outside and find a rock for them to use as a step for the other side. Rock will serve two purposes, one a step, the other as a nail file. just a thought.
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