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Red urine


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 29, 2005
When I went to clean my boars out today I noticed that the places where they used as the toliet were red. In the morning I did give them a large tomatoe.
They are all healthy looking, they have not lost weight and they are acting as normal. A while back they were fighting but ever since I treated them for mites they seemed to calm down, so I don't think that is where the redness has come from.

Could the tomatoe cause the urine to become red like blood? I also gave the girls two tomatoes and their urine is still normal. I hope it is just the tomatoes, should I give it a day or two to see if it was the tomatoes?

If there is something wrong with them how can I tell which one it is. I have four boars living together.. I don't want to have to take all four to the vets.

Any thoughts?
Thanks! xx
I thought what they eat comes through their poops not urine. When we eat our urine doesnt change color. Its our stools that our food comes with. Wouldn't this be the same with the piggy?
Are you sure it isn't just tomato juice? When my girls eat tomatoes they aren't the cleanest eaters. It's usually all over their faces and in the bedding around where they are eating. Make sure. And Pennick, you are right, tomatoes will not cause a urine color change.
They sure are messy tomato eaters! Could be that...
I believe that tomatoes could cause the urine to change color. Too much high calcium foods cause the urine to become very white (not just a little milky) and my youngest had her pee turn orange once because I was feeding her too many carrots. As soon as I cut back on the carrots, her pee changed back to normal. I could be totally wrong here, but I do find that my guinea pigs pee color changes when their food changes.
I thought it could just be the juice but why would it be in the toliet area and not where the food bowl was? Also it was more of a bloodly kind of red than tomatoe juice.

I am going to check in the morning if the bedding is red again and then see who it is.
When we eat our urine doesnt change color.
Actually, certain vitamins can make our pee turn a different color. Too many carrots can make guinea pigs' pee orange. Girl pigs are sows, by the way. I sure hope your pigs are alright, Rachy, can you check their bums to figure out who it is?
I checked back in their cage this morning and I couldn't see any red bedding. I checked all their bums and they looked fine, no redness, no swollen etc. I did start to panic though when I thought one of them was a girl.. but thank god he was a he! He was just good at hiding his jewels!

I will keep checking back on them though, I want to be 100% sure that they are all ok!
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