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Behavior Recommendation if two males should stay bonded

  • Thread starter Guinea_Pigs_Are_A_lifest
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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 7, 2023
Hello! A couple of months ago I bonded two of my male cavy’s, and ever since then, their bond has been off and on. We recently moved, and knowing that they would get territorial if they were put in a small carrier, decided to separate them for a two hour window of time until I could rebuild their enclosure. After that short period of time of being away, it’s almost like they forgot each other. And that is how it has always been, and it recently got worse. At this point, if I even take one out for a couple of minutes to pet/groom them, when I put them back together, they start to show aggression towards each other like they have never met. Of course it dies down after a little bit, but I don’t think this is normal. I don’t want it to get in the way of them having a good life of good pets and human interaction. So… I was wondering if you guys would recommend me try to find new bonding mates for them. This is something that I can totally do and would be not a problem, but I just want to make sure they have a good life and not let this get in the way of it. And size is not a problem, they currently live in a 3x5 C&C enclosure (14” grins) let me know!
How old are they?

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