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Education is better than ignorance.

We should not criticize other cultures. They exists in a way which we do not understand in our privileged society. Over there, sometimes food is food and when you’re hungry, not much matters. So maybe we should become more educated before we criticize other cultures:
(broken link removed)
(broken link removed)

(broken link removed):
"The common guinea pig was first domesticated by the Inca of South America, in what is now Peru. They continue to be an important food source, subsisting off a family's vegetable scraps as a half pet/half future meal. Guinea pigs are the dish of honor (called cui) at some Peruvian wedding feasts and play the role of evil-spirit collector in traditional healing rituals."

Just some FYI. Education is better than ignorance.
I think your very right about that. Yes, people should be educated before the go and start judging. But then again, I think everyone is taking this way too seriously. Wether he really didn't know, or if it was just a joke, what's the big deal? Why you want to ban the person? That's so crazy. I'm starting to not understand people. I love my pigs as much as the next person, but don't be so uptight. This is a website for people to talk and get information and enjoy each other and learn things and get advance, etc etc. Why are people being so mean? I had some pictures deleted because they weren't thought to be "appropriate". I guess a picture of my 2 guinea pigs isn't good although I've seen many pics of other peoples pigs on here. And aparently pictures of my other pets enclosures aren'y appropriate for whatever reason. I think people are starting to take things way out of control. Let's not forget that a big majority of the visitors to this site are young children. All the fuss about little things is going to start turning away visitors. Lighten up. I really like this site but some people need to be more friendly! HAVE FUN! Thats what having pets is about. Making your life better!
The reason eetspigs or whatever isn't banned yet is because I don't know if the person is a troll or not. If they are, they will be banned, if not, they won't. It's simple. Since they haven't been back, I suspect a troll, but it doesn't matter unless and until they come back and post again.


The reason your photos were deleted were explained in private email. You aren't the only one to have photos removed. There are a couple of new ones that I have to send messages to as well.

Pictures of just people's pigs are not allowed. Two reasons. I can't afford it. I have to pay for bandwidth and storage. I'm a rescue with highly overstretched funds as it is. AND this site is primarily about cages and environments, it's not here to be a 'let's have fun with our pigs' site. So, people come here to look at photos of cages and cage-related things to get ideas. I explained that to you via email. It's also stated quite plainly on the page where you upload photos.

Regarding your turtle cage photo. I do not have the time to research turtle cages to figure out if your cage photo was appropriate or not. Nor do I believe anyone in the turtle community is going to come to this site to get ideas about their cages.

Regarding your hamster cage. I have a hamster now. (Anyone want a hamster?) Your cage did not provide enough ventilation, despite what another site or person said. The section for cages for other pets is really about how to adapt C&C cages for other pets, not about any cage for any pet.

I hope that helps explain things.
Lets stop pussy footing around, if someone is cruel to guineas around me, or somewhere where i know about it, im going to kick the $hit out of them. Simple. We can debate it after im done. ;op
I dont think hes coming back he probably couldnt read english good enough so he didnt think it Was a CARE site.Or he was just an ass.Shorty yea we all had pics tookin down.I've had like 20 just because it showed a little too muhc piggy in it.If you wanna post pics of your pigs goto (broken link removed) Also, other members impressed about your C&C cages its just spreading the word more ;)
I'm a vegetarian :) I really can't understand when people say they love animals..then they go and eat one. Hmm. I'm not bashing what anyone believes or what they want to eat. All I am saying is that I believe that if we really love animals then we shouldn't eat them.

If you'd like to see how animals raised for meat are treated go to www.meetyourmeat.com

WARNING this is not for the faint of heart (maybe this will give you a better understanding of my point of veiw)
I have seen that one before, and yes, it is sickening and very gross. However, I can't go vegetarian because everyone I ask says it's really hard to get enough iron and protein that way. Great job, though! I guess eating meat is just really ingrained into our culture. I don't think I would eat much at all if I wasn't living at home. Thanks for sharing the link, it is very informative. I cannot stand going by farms now, not that I could before. I never eat from McDonalds or BK now. They are so disgusting! You can leave a burger out for 2 years with no mold growth! None! Even the mold won't touch it... Great job being a vegetarian, and I admire you!
Piglet said:
what? How come I didn't get that? Ban them! I just don't understand why people want to waster their time by doing this?
I got all the way to the end of the posts before I caught the name!!! LOL We aren't paying attention!

Some countries do eat GP. But that's just a cultural difference. I'm sure the Hindu find we meat eaters dispicable too!!!

However, I feel this guy just chose to ask the question to be a jerk and get us all riled up. NOT WORTH IT!!!

OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!! OK, not really. Maybe just this, BAN HIM!!!!

Sorry, we were watching Disney's Robin Hood and I couldn't resist!!!
Yes, I didn't catch that until I was writing the name down, trying to sound the thing out. =)
RileyPiggy said:
I'm a vegetarian :) I really can't understand when people say they love animals..then they go and eat one. Hmm. I'm not bashing what anyone believes or what they want to eat. All I am saying is that I believe that if we really love animals then we shouldn't eat them.

If you'd like to see how animals raised for meat are treated go to www.meetyourmeat.com

WARNING this is not for the faint of heart (maybe this will give you a better understanding of my point of veiw)
I have that video. I also eat meat. I try to buy from places that are not known for brutality or cruelty. But at the end of the day, my family is hungry and I will feed them.

I tried the vegetarian thing. I liked it, but the health food stores are in it for the money too. I can't afford it. Not if you do it right so that you aren't deficient in the right vitamins, and fats and cholesterols.

Not to mention, God gave US the animals and said to use them. Who am I to tell GOD what I should do or not do?! He created us, He knows more about how our bodies should be cared for!!!
Not to mention, God gave US the animals and said to use them. Who am I to tell GOD what I should do or not do?! He created us, He knows more about how our bodies should be cared for!!!

Well, I get to play God on this forum. I do not appreciate having religion thrown into a debate or discussion in order to justify your position. If you need to do that, there is something wrong with your position. That's my opinion and I get to have the last word on this thread.

Moving right along and back to guinea pig-relevant topics . . .

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