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reason for alarm?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 7, 2004
well, i was reading aroudn the care for pigs areas and found that you're supposed to inspect the genital area from time to time for any "buildup" of any kind, so i was performing this inspection and found that around and slightly in his anus there's some pieces of hay and what appears to be soiled bedding... i'm not sure if he picked this up from sitting or if it's on the way out... any help? thanks!

Mine sometimes pick it up. I am almost certain they sit in it and it gets stuck.
its called impaction.The best way to get it out is to give them some mineral oil and take it out.Usually happens to older male pigs.Dont juts rip it out all at once.Get it out with tweezers bit by bit.
I dont think he was talking about impaction. But that is the proper way to take out an impaction. The other stuff is just sticking out because the pig has collected it in his wanderings. I know about impaction because my nine year old boar get impacted every so often.
does impaction look similar? thanks for the forewarning!
I usually wipe down my boys back sides with baby wipes at least once a month.

My youngest one had a peice of hay stuck in that area before, I think it got stuck and then just eventually wandered "in"! I just put some vaseline over the area a few times in one evening, and it slide out on its own.
yea it kinda sounds like impaction but dont worry impaction isnt very serious if you treat it once you notice it :).
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