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Slap Maxwell

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 1, 2005

[font=verdana,arial,helvetica]*link removed* I'm a complete idiot!
Two of my teddy sows gave birth yesterday. I mated them with my roan teddy - Piff. I never bred roans and since Patunia’s mother was a DEW and her father was solid I didn’t thought she was a roan.

The other sow gave birth to 5 babies. One was stillborn. A few hours later Patunia gave birth to 2 babies. Both are lethals that I know I will have to put down because have no teeth. The two sows are sharing mothering jobs so hopefully Patunia won’t get depressed. I am depressed though. It’s such a waste. She was 10 months old when I bred her so I was mostly wanting her just to give birth. I see every pregnancy as a risk so I don’t like these results but mostly myself for being stupid.

Just some information for everyone. If you have a DEW just one strand of colored hair makes it a roan.

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[font=verdana,arial,helvetica]PARAPHRASED FROM ANOTHER FORUM[/font]
[font=verdana,arial,helvetica]Anakin that is so sad
I know how you feel. Breeding Gps is not for the squeamish There are always risks in breeding Guinea Pigs, which is why most breeders discourage pet owners from breeding.

Are you certain they are lethals and not premature? Lethals have a certain look to their eyes among other things If they really are lethals then you know what the sow is and can breed her to a solid boar to get the roans you are looking for.

It’s good that she is with the other sow and can help care for her babies. Hopefully he next time you will be more successful.

Best wishes.

They were big and white with small pink eyes with white centers and they had no teeth.

I don’t want roans. Teddies aren’t judged by their color. The strange thing is that there are a lot of white Gps with just a spot of color. We almost never see roans. I guess the whites are roans. It’s a problem.

Does anyone have a picture of a lethal to post? Can they be eyeless as well as toothless?


There are two types alopthalmic which has no teeth or eyes and micro-opthalmic with small green eyes with or with either no teeth or deformed teeth.

This is Pink. I euthanised one of the lethals but kept Pink as a project and a "mascot". He lives on child’s porridge and watered down rabbit pellets. I didn’t take a close up. He is at the age when all teddy’s have bald spots and look bad. [/font][font=verdana,arial,helvetica]*link removed* [/font]
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I know it is hard to read, sorry.
Heres Pinky... I put one of the two down, but have decieded to keep Pinky as a "mascot" and a project. He lives mainly on porage for children and watered pellets for rabbits. I didn't snap a close up, as he is in the stage where all teddies look like hell. With some bald spots.[/size]

Thats sickening, I dont get involved in things like this, but shame on these people, since when do piggies become *mascot* and a Project. That is so sad, slap. Those poor piggies.
I can't believe she killed one of them. And now this one is living on RABBIT PELLETS?? Sickning. They need some advice from salana.
Where did this thread take place? On this site?
No, he linked to a site called (broken link removed). It's a predecessor forum to the like of Guinea Lynx and Cavy Cages.

Cavies Galore supports breeders ("Breeders are a part of our community") and the breeding and showing of guinea pigs (they have a breeding forum).

My only problem with this thread is that the management of CG may not appreciate threads reposted here, although I doubt they check this forum with any sort of regularity.

Other than that, I dislike the board (the smileys and signatures induce nausea) and their pro-breeding stance (keeping rescues in business, unfortunately). There is quite a history of that board and Guinea Lynx, but that is definitely another story for another post.

On the topic matter, it's just another sad story of yet another uninformed backyard breeder.

The pig needs hay. Most lethals can adapt to taking the hay in their mouths with their tongue and getting it to the molars that way. Also, Critical Care is a must in case of serious tooth/eating problems. Porridge and rabbit pellets are poor substitutes. Definitely uninformed.
"I know I have to put them down, as they have no teeth."
Put them down because they have no teeth? How sad, and selfish, if all they are missing is teeth, he should have to care for them, they could still live a quality life I think.
Oh, I check the Kitchen often. It's my favorite room in the house!

I think the repost is okay. That type of thing has been done before and as long as a fight between members doesn't spill over onto another forum it causes no real problems.

I (and other members here) belong to some of those other forums and they have always had plenty to say about C&C and GL...very little of it nice. Some members manage to post on both forums peacefully.

Slap did the right thing by not providing a link to the other site. That way less people will go to the other board, cause a commotion and make them want to come over here.

Use the info to help educate yourself, others and to know what the rescue community is up against.

There is no use going over there to try to educate them. They will not listen.

I wholeheartedly agree with Chad about the nauseating use of smileys, cute graphics, adorable signatures and other sickeningly sweet "eye-candy" on CG and some of the other boards. That stuff makes my stomach churn.
That's just awful. Did he even check to see if the leathals had molars? If so I'm sure with some good old fashioned work they could leave somewhat normal yet very happy lives.

A little off topiic here but that's why I like my small forum. I can allow smileys and signature with full knowledge that it won't go overboard.
Actually, it's not okay. Those posts need to be paraphrased by a moderator. CG is copyrighted. A link to CG won't work because it's a closed forum to most people. I was banned years ago. These kinds of **** breeder discussions happen all over the place.

If anyone wants to email me privately copies of threads of people on CG slamming CC, I'd be interested in reading them, not that I can do anything about it. I don't care about their breeder discussions. Keep in mind I canNOT read their links.
Sorry for my mistake T. I wasn't even thinking about the copyright thing.
I post on both forums. I have gotten yelled at for misreading threads because I skip some posts with all the stupid sigs. I stay out of the breeding section. I am interested in genetics, though. (I would never want to breed pigs, I just have an interest in genes). I keep an eye on Piggy Placement and stuff where I can help out. (ie. somebody posted a posting on craigslist where a guy wanted aqariums to keep his pigs in, because they were chewing on the bars of their 'standard metal cages'. ) I emailed him and told him the dangers of tanks and gave him the link to Cavy Cages. Otherwise I stay out of pretty much all of it.

I am pro-rescue, though. I see some of the stuff on the breeding forums as sick.
I"m confused - the original post in this thread is from another site?
The post has been paraphrased but the info is accurate as posted on another guinea pig forum.

So yes...the first 2 posts are from another forum
Oh lord. I registered there awhile ago and haven't been back. They have a thread where a 4H leader told her cavy students/breeders that it is best to kill their animals by sticking them in a freezer a la Petco.
rabbitsncavyluv said:
Oh lord. I registered there awhile ago and haven't been back. They have a thread where a 4H leader told her cavy students/breeders that it is best to kill their animals by sticking them in a freezer a la Petco.

I can think of a thousand things to say in response to that 4H leader, but I couldn't post a word of it. How horrible!!!!!!!
oh ugh........

That reminds me of this guy who used to go to a rodent "festival" (honestly I hate them.. they're not educated and advocate LITTLE KIDS breeding mice for fun and show...) who bred tailless mice and rats. the problem with the tailless gene is that it doesn't know where to STOP on the spine! some are born with a short tail, some are born with no tail, and some are born with some of the spine missing and partially paralyzed!

personally I like my pets with their tails the way nature intended..

but I could go on and on about that particular place (as it's local here)....................
Can someone get in touch with this person with the lethal? She should be feeding him at the very least a piggy pellet mash, preferably one with a stabilized form of vitamin C like in Oxbow Cavy Performance or Kaytee Forti-Diet, because the vitamin C from that is more necessary than for a normal pig. Supplementation (with GNC or similar chewables, GNC or similar liquid, or the Oxbow treats) is also a good idea.

Einstein has no front teeth and will try to eat normal pieces of hay, but he really doesn't get very far. He's better with all the hay ends at the bottom of the bag, although he really prefers his pellet mash or CC. He also needs veggies cut into short strips, except for parsley and cilantro, which he can manage on his own, although he needs the stems cut into short pieces, 1/2 inch to 1 inch. I expect her pig will be about the same.

The big big thing that she must do is take him to an experienced exotic dental vet to have his teeth examined. It's hard to do it when he's small, but he should really be checked out before he's weaned.

You can copy my post and any other lethal-advice posts I've made, and have her get in touch with me at [email protected] , but I won't be online much after Saturday afternoon until like Thursday.
Yes, newbie question. What is a lethal?
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