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Ramps and second levels?


Cavy Slave
Aug 9, 2004
How did you make your second levels and ramps? (like what materials did you use for the ramp, ect.)

P.S. I'm new to this forum!
I used bent grids covered with carpet to make my ramps. My pigs have no trouble running up and down. I used cable ties to hold the carpet on the grids. Hope that helps.
I used plastic pencil boxes cable tied together with felt on the steps. My girls have no problems racing up and down the stairs.

Fiddlesticks are widely available and they make very good ramps. Basically they are just thick sticks held together with a flexible wire, but pigs seem to prefer them to smoother ramps as they can get a better grip.
I don't have a guinea pig. But I'm probably going to get one and I'm just researching.
Do you need walls on the ramp? Because I'm afraid that (if I get one) he/she might just fall off.

Here's my idea. I'm going to put a couple of the cubes together and zip tie it to the second level. (It's going to be the width of the cubes when you buy them.) Is this a good idea?
gtdirtybird7 said:
I don't have a guinea pig. But I'm probably going to get one and I'm just researching.
Do you need walls on the ramp? Because I'm afraid that (if I get one) he/she might just fall off.

Here's my idea. I'm going to put a couple of the cubes together and zip tie it to the second level. (It's going to be the width of the cubes when you buy them.) Is this a good idea?
You don't NEED sides. But my pigs prefer them. I made one out of coroplast at first. It was carpeted for traction. But my pigs never used it. Then I made a different one out of bent cubes. I attached one side to the wall and the other side is bent upward. It is secured to the upper level with zip ties. Then I put carpet on with zip ties. It is very sturdy and my pigs love it!
The ramp I made (see link in post above) has a side on the upper cube, and the lower cube leaves room for lap-running pigs! =) They hop up and down quite easily. I initially had a small ramp leading up to the lower cube, but they didn't use it anyway. Good luck!
My cage is only one grid high but I made a loft in each back corner. I used a grid for the floor of each loft, using zip ties to attach it to the corner walls. For some reason, one loft was a little more unstable so I have zip ties strung together running from the corner that's out in the middle of the cage to the roof for support. I initially used a chubbe?? (cardboard tunnel) as a column underneath but it was always in the way. I made small corplast boxes and put them on top of the grids.

For the ramps I used grids cut in half and covered with carpeting. They don't have sides and the pigs don't seem to care (although the distance is only 1/2 a grid so it's not much). My littlest pig often doesn't even use the ramp but just leaps straight into the loft.

See my gallery for pics - https://www.guineapigcages.com/photos/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=336
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