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Rabbits Rabbit Interactive - RWAF Conference 2012


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 1, 2012
We are excited to announce that this year's Conference is taking a new turn. We are hosting it with our friends Wood Green in Cambridgeshire on Saturday 1st September 2012 and their great facilities mean it will be much more hands-on and practical than we've ever been able to achieve in the past. We will be offering master class work shops with our experts as well as lectures.

Even better, we are having a 'mad hoppers tea party' on the Friday night (also at Wood Green) because there never seems to be enough time to catch up with like minded friends on the day of conference, and it's also a good excuse for a party!

Although we are still finalising the agenda, we thought you may want to make a note in your diary, because you certainly won't want to miss this.

Watch this space for more details.
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