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Questions about older pregnant guinea pig


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 7, 2004
I know this isn't a breeding forum, I did not breed my Guinea Pig on purpose.
Her story is here https://guineapigcages.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3919 second post down.
Anyway, she is definitely pregnant. It's very evident now. I have counted back to the very first day the piggies were caged together, and they were only together for 10 days when I realized that her cagemate was a he and not a she like we had been told. They were separated that very day and have been apart since. Today would be 64 days from the very 1st day they were together and I caught them in the act of breeding on the 10th day after we had brought our new piggie home. So she would be having babies sometime next week if I have calculated right.
I have found an exotics vet within 20 minutes of our house and took her in for a check up. She said she is very healthy, doing well and to call her just as soon as I notice she is in labor. Luckily she is on call for exotics all the time.
She quoted me a price of $500.00 for a c-section. I thought this was
outrageous, I don't know though as I have only had a c-section done on my Boston Terrier and at that it was only $350.00.
I have kept her on a healthy diet of pellets, veggies daily, alfalfa hay daily and fruits a few times per week. She is in a 2X3 CC Cage, getting plenty of exercise.
Matilda is 15 months old, so you see why I am so concerned.
Is there anything else I should be doing for her, I just want her to be OK. And I will do whatever it takes.

Sorry for asking - what is a c-section?
A caesarian section, performed on animals and humans that are unable to have a natural birth do to health reasons.
Oh, ok. Thank you.
It sounds as if your doing everything fine. Just keep an eye on her. The one thing about sows giving birth is she may go into labor while you are sleeping or away. I hope everything goes well with her and please let us know when she has the babies.
I think she is worried about her sow's pelvic bones being fused and her not being able to have natural birth.

I dont know what you should do, but you should ask at www.guinealynx.info/forums. They would know what to do.
Wow, $500.00. I know I wouldn't be able to afford that!
Hm, that vet is very expensive, but I could be wrong. Can the vet do the c-section even if she's not in labor? It's hard sometimes to catch them in labor, and it could be too late by the time you would get to the vet. How much does your vet charge for a check up?
I think it's way high too. I mean, come on $500.00..... oh well, if it has to be done, it has to be done.
She could do the c-section before she goes into labor but not knowing exactly when they bred we could deliver her too soon and lose the babies.
She said there is also a big risk of losing Matilda too. She would rather her atleast try to deliver on her own, she said she knew of a couple of Guinea Pigs that delivered first litters naturally after their 2nd birthdays. So there is hope.
This vet charges $40.00 for a well check up.
I am a stay home Mom, Matilda is pretty close to me at all times and I have moved her next to my bed and am a light sleeper so the least little moving around she does I check on her.
So I will keep you posted. I hope we have a happy ending.
Is there another cavy savvy vet in your area you could take her to or get a quote of how much a c-section would cost?
No, I have called around and this is the only exotics vet in my area, the other I found is about a four hour drive from me.
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