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Question for all long-haired piggie owners...


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 19, 2005
Alright, so since I began using fleece about 2 weeks ago I have noticed that my peruvian and silkie's fur has begun to tangle extremely easily near their bums, probably because of the higher exposure to moisture from doing their "business." Brushing them never used to be too much of a problem, they squeeked but tolerated it, and then got some treats and that was that. BUT...now they seem to be in serious pain whenever I try to brush out their tangles. The "wheeking" is incredibly loud, and no matter how much lap time/floor time/treats/pure love (no brush involved, haha) I give them afterwards, they seem to be becoming extremely fearful of me! I've tried keeping them trimmed "back there," but now it seems the knots are just closer to their skin and therefore more painful to try and brush out. Their eyes, nose, skin, look clear, and they don't mind being touched anywhere or brushed in spots with no knots, so I don't think this could be a mites problem.
Seperating lap time from brushing time hasn't worked. I'm just the big nasty brush monster, apparantly!
Any ideas for making this whole process less painful for my piggies, and for me (so that I can brush them and still have the boys trust me)?
My silkie had that for awhile. I cut the hair around that area once a week so that way it is main tained nicely and it wouldn't hurt them at all.
I have to trim my silkies behind up too. I cut it as short as I possibly can. I bed my girls on fleece too and have since October. I haven't had any problems with her getting her behind all wet since I keep it trimmed up. No tangles or wetness.
You have to keep the hair around their butts short. It'l get tangled, pee and poops in it. I give my Silkie mix Willlow and my peruvian Harry a bath with Bunny Bath every few months too.
Mine had shavings stuck to her bum and her hair was also tangled. I got out the scissors and started cutting, and kept cutting, and kept cutting. She sure wouldn't win any prize for the best looking piggy. My daughter laughed when she saw what I did to her. I didn't care as long as I can keep her bottom clean.
*sniff* Thanks guys, I just get so upset whenever I hear that *wheek* of pain...
I'll try trimming shorter today and see how that holds up. Miko I have trimmed pretty short right now, and there were still tiny knots, so maybe I just didn't do enough! For some reason Taiko just doesn't get knots like Miko, and so I've been able to keep his fur a bit longer, but at any rate we'll see what happens!
Haha boy are they going to look silly when I'm done with them XD !
Even though I gave her as short a haircut as I could, there was still a little matting left. I didnt try to get this out since I figured she went through enough. Its almost time for another haircut and I am not looking forward to it.
Mine have less tangles now that they are on fleece.
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