Alright, so right now, my cage looks like this:
And I really want to remodel it. I don't know exactly why, but I just feel it needs a remodeling, and I want to make it bigger. I want it to look something like this:
I've asked the owner of this cage(Guinea_Gal, by the way, if you're reding this, I love your cage!) a few questions about it, but she hasn't responded yet and I really want to remodel it before I head back to school, so, being who I am, I got impatient and decided to ask anyone here of their opinions. If anyone has anything like this cage( two stories, considerably large), please respond. My few questions are, is it hard to clean?(The front swings open, apparently, really cool!) Is it big enough for my two boars if I keep the length at 2x7, like my original cage? And third, if I do keep it 2x7, will the cage be stable enough) I plan on using plenty of PVC pipes to try and support it. Thanks in advance for answering my questions! I just hope I can make their cage a bit bigger! (My gallery: ) (Guinea_Gal's gallery: )
And I really want to remodel it. I don't know exactly why, but I just feel it needs a remodeling, and I want to make it bigger. I want it to look something like this:
I've asked the owner of this cage(Guinea_Gal, by the way, if you're reding this, I love your cage!) a few questions about it, but she hasn't responded yet and I really want to remodel it before I head back to school, so, being who I am, I got impatient and decided to ask anyone here of their opinions. If anyone has anything like this cage( two stories, considerably large), please respond. My few questions are, is it hard to clean?(The front swings open, apparently, really cool!) Is it big enough for my two boars if I keep the length at 2x7, like my original cage? And third, if I do keep it 2x7, will the cage be stable enough) I plan on using plenty of PVC pipes to try and support it. Thanks in advance for answering my questions! I just hope I can make their cage a bit bigger! (My gallery: ) (Guinea_Gal's gallery: )