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Chewing question about chewing


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 1, 2012
This may sound like a silly question and opposite of other people's complaints about their pigs chewing everything...My girls don't chew anything (except food and hay, of course). I know guinea pigs teeth continually grow and they need things to chew on but my girls don't chew on anything. I've got cardboard box hidey things and wooden chew blocks and anything else I can think of for them to chew on and NOTHING. They have unlimited hay and the recommended amount of pellets and fresh veggies but I'm concerned about their teeth. They all look ok now. Has anybody else had this issue? Any ideas? I am thankful they don't chew on the coroplast and fleece though.
The only thing your guinea pigs need to keep their teeth healthy is unlimited grass hay, around 80% of their diet which they munch on up to 21 hours a day. Cavies are usually not big chewers unless they are bored, unlike other critters like rats & such. My pigs might chew on a cardboard box, coroplast or paper bag from time to time, but won't touch any of the "guinea pig chews".
Good to know! Thanks! They have hay 24/7 so we're good. I was a little worried.
Nope, you are lucky to have such well behaved pigs!
Our cage has little teeth marks all around the coroplast edge. Won't be able to sell the cage second hand after this. :expressio
Yeah, the only problem I have with them is that I'm convinced they think it's funny to kick bedding out of their kitchen area onto the nice clean fleece lol!
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