I'm getting my new piggie in about a week or so, and I was just wondering if, during his two weeks quarantine period, could I keep him in a smaller pet store cage. He's a baby, and it isn't super small, but my C&C cage isn't complete yet, and even then, I have to keep Cocoa and the new pig apart, so could I keep him in a small cage and then put him into the C&C cage with Cocoa after it's done? Also, when I introduce the piggies, should I just give them little play dates and make them gradually longer and longer, or just introduce them for a long time and leave them to their socialization? Also, will Cocoa get louder with a new playmate and a bigger cage? I was just wondering because he is rarely vocal now, other than a few squeaks during floor time. Also(last question, I promise), just out of curiosity, why is the quarantine period so long? My guess was that the symptoms took long to come out, like mites is sometimes hard to recognize, but I wasn't sure. Thanks in advance!