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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 10, 2004
My newest girl Pumpkin (adopted her in Sept.) hardly ever purrs. My other two are purring machines, and I can never get her to purr more than maybe once a week and it's not much to speak of. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Hm. Well I heard pigs purr a lot when they are content. Could it just be she likes to popcorn rather than purr when she's happy? When I stroke my pigs during feeding time they purr like crazy, I think that's strange even when you give them veggies they don't purr(if she dosen't then). But what I've gotten to purr a lot, is give them a lot of veggies and stroke their entire body. Mine go nuts when I do this! They even popcorn at the same time somethings, maybe that'll work.
But then again, maybe she's a non-purring type of gal.
She purrs to the strangest things. When I put their veggie bowls in their cage she purrs all the way over to it. She will purr if she hears a strange noise, but if I stroke her like the other girls, she just sits there. It's an event around here if we hear her purr!
Mine do it alot when I pat them, and more so when I run my fingers through the hair backwards! (Rump to neck) They purr & their whole body shiver's, I'm not sure what that mean's but I think they like it, maybe it tickles?!!
I hope i'm not torturing them~!
Same here mine purs when he goes into a hole and when i pet him backwards i think they like it also
Louis said:
Same here mine purs when he goes into a hole and when i pet him backwards i think they like it also

They DO NOT like to be pet backwards. That sound they make when you pet them backwards IS NOT purring.
The rumbleing noise is not a happy noise, when they hear a loud noise, or you pet them backwards, they are NOT happy.

Purring is very soft wheeks. It is not the rumbling.
Why don't they like being patted backwards then?
Mine arne't scared.
Didn't tell me anything apart from what you said.
If you have no idea why they don't like it, you should just say so.
guineagurl said:
Didn't tell me anything apart from what you said.
If you have no idea why they don't like it, you should just say so.

Why does it matter?
Because I asked for the reason and that's what I thought the link was, it wasn't.
Although I appreciate the effort, the link was no more useful than this thread other than to confirm the fact, so what was the point?

Why do people use capital's in the middle of a sentence for the whole word?
I take that to mean shouting and I did slightly take offence so my reply post wasn't as polite as it could have been. There was no need to do that, this was a friendly thread.
If CAVYSPIRIT says they don't like it, trust me, they don't like it.

Their skin is sensitive and it puls the hair in the wrong direction.
guineagurl said:
Because I asked for the reason and that's what I thought the link was, it wasn't.
Although I appreciate the effort, the link was no more useful than this thread other than to confirm the fact, so what was the point?

Why do people use capital's in the middle of a sentence for the whole word?
I take that to mean shouting and I did slightly take offence so my reply post wasn't as polite as it could have been. There was no need to do that, this was a friendly thread.

Your hurting your pig.
Oh I wasn't suggesting you wern't right, no doubt you are and it make's sence now that I think about it, but all I wanted was a why... and we got out head's bit off and the actual question I asked was looked over.
I could have approached it in a different way, yes.
Calm down slap, before you get yourself into trouble please.

The hairs pulling in the opposite direction irritates them and can cause pain, that's why they don't like it. 2 of my girls (chatty and moppy) purr like a cat all the time. They loved being stroked from the head back to just past midway to their bottoms. The other two do it once in a while but not often, it depends on the personality of the pig as to whether they are purrers or not. The same goes for wheeking. Some pigs wheek and some don't.

Purring is very soft wheeks
Not really, purring is a noise like a cat purring. Rumblestrutting is actually the noise and the butt/body shaking/shivering combined. If your pigs are doing that they are telling you they don't like it. Try petting them from the head to the rump and see if they like that.
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