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General Purple Eyes


Cavy Star, Photo Contest Winner
Cavy Slave
Jun 13, 2010

Okay well It's more then likey I'll be getting a male piggy from a rescue and he has purple eyes. Do that matter? like does it affect his eye sight?
Haha, Okay that's great! I just making sure. (;
Are you sure it's not the lighting making her eyes look purple? I really want to see a picture of this!
Hmm, no i'm pretty sure his eyes are purple. :)

If mum lets me get him, I'll take a picture as soon as possible!
Perhaps you are talking about ruby eyes.

There are no pigs with purple eyes.
Okay, probably a ruby then.
I had a pig, Loki, who had ruby eyes. At first glance, they look like pink or red eyes but they are much deeper than that. Very cool looking but definitely not purple. Foogycreekcavy is right. There are no pigs with purple eyes.
I think his eyes are a more deep ruby colour. If I get him I'll post a pic :)
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