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Probably getting a little boy soon!


New Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 16, 2005

We're looking at getting a little five month old boy from a local breeder this weekend. He's a breeding experiment that didn't turn out as hoped.

Anyway, I was looking at pet store cages and they seem *so* expensive and from what I'm reading too small. So now I'm consdiering making my own C & C cage...I'm thinking 2 x 3 grids but I have a few questions...

Are open top cages SAFE? Can the piggies escape? I cannot have a piggy running around loose!I can't find the directions to make a top on the cage.

Also, how many grids does it take total to make a cage? Is one box enough? (I will probably have to get them from Target).

Any other good advice for a new piggy owner? Specific foods, toys, etc? I've found a lot of good links, but you all seem so informed here!

Thanks in advance!
The grids should be safe for the age of your pig. If he was younger he could fit through the bars. It really depends on where you get the grids for the price and how many are in the box; I got mine at Big Lots for 20 dollars. I think it made 8 cubes all together, but I can't remember.
You will need 10 grids to make a 2x3 cage. You dont need a cover unless you have pets or small children. If you think you may get another cage mate down the road you should make a 2x4 cage if you can. That would be 12 grids. You need a hidey house, hay, pellets and water bottle. You must also supply fresh vegetables and some fruit, romaine lettuce, red leaf, cilantro, sweet peppers, (kale, parsley, orange, apple, sparingly 2 times a week). This provides your piggy with the much needed vitamin C. Those are the essentials your piggy will need.
You shouldn't get a guinea pigs from a breeder, let me be the first to say. You should adopt a pair of pigs. See www.petfinder.com for shelters near you. Also see www.guinealynx.com for health information.
scrappinbran said:

We're looking at getting a little five month old boy from a local breeder this weekend. He's a breeding experiment that didn't turn out as hoped.

What kind of breeding experiment?
The breeder was trying to get a ridgeback by cross-breeding an absynnian and an american....he didn't turn out as a ridgeback, that's all. Nothing 'wrong.' I guess I used poor choice of words.

We do not have any shelters in my area that house small animals...I tried that route. The nearest guinea pig rescue is over an hour and a half away and will only adopt to families with no children under the age of 12 (we have a 5 year old)

I will be driving two hours and 45 minute probably more, well my mom will. Try to find someone who isn't a breeder, even if it isn't a shelter per say. You could put up flyers, put classifieds up on www.craigslist.org or in a local newspaper.

Where are you located? Maybe I could help you find a shelter.
I agree, what state are you located in? I wouldn't support this breeder at all. S/he is nothing but a backyard breeder.

If you tell us your state, we may be able to help you located a shelter/rescue, or individual unable to keep their cavy. You'd be suprised where you can find them. I live in a 2 sq mile town and I just found out that there is another rescue, which makes 3 total.
I got a pig from a shelter 3 hours away. The bad thing about buying a pig from a breeder is that pig your going to get will just be replaced by more "experiments gone wrong". If we know where your located, I am sure we can help you find shelters close to you where you can adopt a pair of piggies. They are very social animals and need a buddy of the same sex for company. I know many rescuers on guinealynx and I am sure we can come up with something. Alot of the rescuers I know are willing to get the pigs to you if you can't get to them.

Foods: A good quality pellet like oxbow cavy performance for pigs under 1 year, cavy cuisine for pigs over 1 year. Alot of pellets contain horrible preservatives that can cause cancer and other problems, they contain animal by-products (piggies are strict herbivores) or they contain fillers like corn which just makes piggies too fat.
Hay is a must. Good grass hay can be found at local feedstores or by ordering online.
Veggies. Each pig needs one cup of veggies a day. A good place to find good veggies is https://guinealynx.info/nutrition.html. Guinealynx is also an awesome place to find great information about your pigs.

The one other thing about getting pigs from breeders and petstores is that they often are ridden with mites, sometimes lice, and are often sick.

If you have a 5 yr. old, you will probably want to put a lid on the cage. Great examples of closed cages can be found in the closed cages galleries on this site. Just go to the main forum and click on photo galleries then choose closed cages.
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