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Fleece Prices?


Cavy Slave
Nov 15, 2011
Hey guys,
It sounds like there are constantly buying fleece and towels... Has anyone bought any in the last few weeks at a really good price? I want to do start using fleece this weekend and am going shopping so I thought I would see if anyone had suggestions on sales or cheap fleece and towels!
Joannes is doing 40% off. If you search their site or down load the app they have a 5 dollars off 25$ of more coupon. Fleece reminates are half the price of fleece usually. Check the scrap bins! =D
I know a lot of people get theirs from Joann, I also noticed that they have some on sale. I wish I could help you more, but I only used fleece in the summer and I used fleece throws. :eek:
(broken link removed)
I have a hobby lobby in my town and I always buy my fleece from the scrap bins! :)
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