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Presents - Again!!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 10, 2004
Ok, so Christmas is comong up, even though I'm Indian we still sort of celebrate it. Me and my friend were talking about presents, and what I wanted. I don't need or want anything. Besides, no offense but the presents my friends give me are always such as a waste. I never need them so they usually just lie around my bedroom. Its always things like candles or bath staff. Anywho, do you think its too rude to just ask for money. I don't want presents since I know I wont use them. To be honest, I don't like the whole giving presents things, but if I say that to them they'll just think I'm selfish. Help!
I don't think it's rude at all!

Otherwise, you can make a list of CDs or books you want and give it to them or something. That's what I'm doing for my parents, though I'm pretty much just asking for money for them (so I can choose them myself). =)
I just asked for guinea pig stuff last year. I want more this year.
Don’t ask for money. It comes across as “greedy”(and embarrassing if the gift giver can’t afford much).

Instead ask for gift certificates and gift cards. Pick several of your favorite places to shop and give friends and family a list of those stores and restaurants requesting gift cards. Most gift cards (like Barnes and Noble, Target, etc...) can be used over the internet too.

Going this route also helps out your gift givers. It makes their shopping easier.
Thanks for the suggestions, and voodoojoint I love the idea of gift certificates. Tasha, what kind of piggy stuff did you get!
It's just about the same thing as money, though isn't it? It does sound a bit nicer though.
Yea, it pretty much is the same at money. Just that you don't have to pay for it! LoL
Technically it is the same as money. However, take a look at most gift cards (like a Barnes and Noble) nowhere on it does it state an amount. The gift giver (if short on money) is saved the embarrassment of you opening a card, seeing $5 and giving the look of “oh, that’s all?”

Also it helps assure the gift giver that you are going to use it to get yourself something you want. I know that when my husband and I get a check as a gift we spend it on bills. If it’s a gift card to a store we actually buy ourselves something with it.
I also asked my mom for a plane ticket to visist my friend in Washington.
yeah, if you don't really need or wantanything, than you can do something like there's plenty of charities that you can have someone give some money to in your name, and that is kind of money, but isn't it all? i mean, they spend money on it, and then you get it?! So, back to the charities thing, it sounds dumb, but it can be really cool if that's the kind of thing you like, like i have a friend, and every year, she gets a goat, but she sends the money to the charity and they buy a goat(or cow or other useful animal) and they give the animal to a needy family in africa, and they use it for the milk and stuff and it works out really great, and there are a ton of other charities like that out there, or there are also alot that are simpler, or work on the same principle, like buy somebody who can't afford it, but is really trying, a Christmas dinner, or whatever. you get the idea, but you could ask that somebody do something like that in your name, instead of giving you useless gifts you don't need
That's a really cool idea! I've thought of it before, but I've never actually done it.
my parents love it
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