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Pregnant or just fat?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 4, 2005
I recently adopted a new guinea pig a little over a week ago and she seems very fat. Her stomach buldges out and she seems alot bigger than Peanut. My dad thinks she is pregnant but I have no clue. Is there any way I can tell without taking her to the vet or could she just be over weight?
Here are some pigtures...
[GuineaPigCages.com] Pregnant or just fat?
[GuineaPigCages.com] Pregnant or just fat?

Peanut is a smaller pig but her sides aren't like that.Thanks
Maia and Cali look like that. Females redistribute weight back into the mid section as they get older. She may be ageing- or she could be pregnant. Weigh her daily and look for increase. She may not have been fed as well as you are feeding her now.
Well she is only a little over a year old according to the rescue. I don't have a scale right now but I am hoping to get one soon. Is there any way that I can find out if she is pregnant, which I really hope she isn't
She also seems sensitive when I touch her stomach/back area, but I'm not sure..she could just be scared.
That would be an indication she is pregnant. Though one of my non-preganant ones is the same way. Just wait to see if she gets bigger, feel her sides for movement, and hope for the best. If she is over a year old major complications can arise. Most sows over a year old can not deliver live babies and survive themselves.
I will have to check for movement. Our old guinea pigs got pregnant when we really new nothing about them. We started out with a boy and girl without knowing it, the girl then became pregnant and had two girls. Then once they were older one of the daughters went over the cage divider and became pregnant. Then she had three boys. And if I can remember it right both girls that got pregnant were a year maybe older.(We didn't know much about guinea pigs then..as you can tell)lol. I just hope Tutu isn't and thanks for your help.
Looking closer at the enlarged picture she looks very normal, not even fat. Just wait a couple weeks and see.
Pregnant or not she's cute! Hope she's not ;)
Maybe she is just normal...she just seems so much bigger than Peanut..but that doesn't mean anything. I will have to go check on her.
She sure is cute, my Erin is fat to, and she is almost a year old, so Im thinking shes just a little on the chubby side. Just a question...I got another female piggie like 3 to 4 weeks ago, and she was in with a male, the person I got her from thought she couldnt get pregnant because she was only 6 weeks old-she was wrong, pigs can get pregnant at 4 weeks, and she is fat, and Im so worried shes pregnant! I need to know how to make sure if shes pregnant or not?
I hope she's not pregnant either! She looks normal to me though. I have a piggy who is 4 or 5 years old at my mom's house and she is on the chubby side, and has been sense she was about 1 years of age.
April has big hips and shes not pregnant
Are any of your fat females sensitive to touch around the back/stomach area..because Tutu is. Maybe I can ask my mom if we can take her to the vet tomorrow.
Pregnant females are very sensitive in the tummy area.. The side of her tummy. Does she run away or even do a little yelp type thing?

My fat girl isn't sensitive- I can touch her tummy and she dosen't care.
April hates for her tummy to be touched and I know that she is not pregnant I have had her since January and her hips and tummy have only grown a little bit
OK, that's good to know! :)

My girls don't mind it for some reason.. But when they were pregnant, they hated being touched! But since your girl dosen't like it, that's good.
My older female is exactly the same shape. Do you know how old she is? As they get older, often due to hormonal problems, their weight can redistribute so they have a skinnier torso and a fat belly. If you find that this is accompanied by symmetrical hair loss on the sides, and a crust forming on her nipples, this can be indicative of ovarian cysts. Poor Bracken has got to go and get a scan at the hospital if she loses any weight or any more hair :(
What rescue did you adopt her from? How long did the rescue have her before you adopted her? DId the rescue mention if she had been with any other cavies before?

Fat tummies don't always mean a sow is pregnant, there can be other medical reasons too, though I can't remember them right now.
I adopted her from the animal rescue league of boston and they had had her for about a month. I have had her for 1 and a half weeks. They said she came from an apartment so I have no clue if there were any other guinea pigs. What kind of problems can occur?
Tutu is only a little over a year old. Peanut is 3 1/2 years old.
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