thank you very much! I was also wondering if I could get some opinons on what to do now that I know. I have read 3 different sources who all say different things and want to make sure I do it right. Should I remove my male guniea or would it cause stress to the mother? (I have read that both are opinions given) Also, I don't want to upset Phuc(the male guniea) so I'm not sure if I should seperate them. and there is the fact about making sure the pregnant guinea is nourished well enough and I don't really know what to do about that...thank you all so much for your input. My most important concern is for my guineas...I want them to be happy and healthy. I just am not sure what to do and really would like the advice of people who know. (by the way...this week I am having Phuc (my male guniea pig) nuetered so that he can stay with Chewy and that there will not be another accident. and I have talked to the local rescue. so thank you very much for all the advice so far and any more would be extremly helpful so I can keep my babies happy and safe until Chewy delivers. Thank you again!!!!!!!! Heathervoodoojoint said:Hezzie
Despite the strong opinions you will see here we understand that even the best intentioned have accidental pregnancies.
Stick around and get the advice you will need to help your sow deliver safely and to help insure healthy pups.
I'm glad you figured it out now. Too much longer and you may have woken up to (in the best scenerio) baby piggies and a back-bred mom.