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Posting to defunk threads


Cavy Slave
Dec 7, 2011
I'm new to this site but I've found myself replying to threads that are either closed or to questions that have been resolved. It's kind of embarrassing not to mention the effort I put into commenting. :eek:
Hello ! :) I did that a few times when I first joined:crazy: too, when I was learning how to navigate around a forum for the first time. Don't worry, many people have been there, and done the same thing ! No need to be embarrassed, you will get the hang of it soon !

You just need to remember to check the threads initial post, from the original poster, the date, and if what you have to offer hasn't already been suggested, or you want to add encouraging thoughts or identifications, at least you are up to date/speed on what is being presently asked, or discussed.
I literally just did that, because I wasn't paying attention to the dates haha, don't feel bad. Happens to the best of us.
I do it all the time when I look to the Aus section. All these questions have gone unanswered and are too old for me to provide help!
"I do it all the time when I look to the Aus section. All these questions have gone unanswered.."

:sad: That makes me sad ! I wonder why none of these questions got answered ? I never go to that section myself, since I am not from Australia, but I should...to see if there is any thing that I could help with though..."my bad" as they say....
It's mostly about where to get things and I'm pretty good at working that out! So I've started a new thread on there about where to find things, and update it occasionally :)
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