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Conditions Poop with tiny hole filled with mucous like substance?


New Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 17, 2018
For context, my guinea pig Jerry is turning 6 in August. A few weeks ago I noticed that he had two poops connected to one another (one small oval, one regular) and few that had a tiny tip on the end. As it was only a few out of the 100+ poops, I took him off veggies and the issue seemed to resolve itself. He has not lost weight and is acting the same. I am currently still in the process of re-introducing veggies to him - feeding a few sprigs of cilantro and a tiny piece of green pepper currently.

However, I notice that sometimes he'll have a poop or two that has a small shallow hole covered with a mucous-like substance. It's hard to describe but it kind of looks like when you blow a bubble with gum and it stretches really really thin (?). It's not sticky when I touch it. He isn't in pain or anything when he is pooping/peeing. All his other poops look fine, its the odd one that will look like this sometimes.

Has anyone encountered poop like this?
I'd try giving him poop soup from a healthy pig, or if you don't have one available, get some BeneBac and try that once a day for several days. Sounds like his gut is just a bit out of whack.
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