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Poop clots


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jun 18, 2004
I was wondering if anyoen has ever had a problem with there pigs getting "ppop clots" as we call them. Every now and then I have noticed that Teebo will get one, just a build up of poop stuck in his butt, as if it is to hard/thick to be forced out, making him constipated maybe (plugged up). Usualy they work themselves out or I an grab them and they come right out. (I can provide a picture if any one is curious)

I was just wondering if this was a big problem I should be worried about (he dosen't appear to be in any pain) or if theis is normal? Any advice on how to make it stop?


It fell out on its own, he is running around the floor very happly
A q-tip and some mineral oil can be used to gently clean the anal sack out too.

If you look in the guinealynx forums, there are some threads about impaction and also about the anal sack cleaning.
Dinochick, how old is Teebo? I know that in older boars, and rarely in some younger ones, their perineal sac (the part of their rectum that traps the caecal pellets, the ones they must re-ingest in order to maintain proper levels of B-complex vitamins) can get clogged because: "the muscles of the anus stretch/weaken and the piggie is no longer able to properly expel the fecal pellets from the anus. Both caecal and fecal pellets become trapped or "impacted" in the perineal sac. If left unchecked, your boar will begin to lose physical condition because he is no longer able to eat the caecal pellets and the blockage interferes with the normal digestive process."

(Thanks GuineaLynx!)

This condition is called "impaction", and sounds like it is the problem you are most likely having with Teebo. If this becomes a regular problem, you must help him to empty out the perineal sac by:

flip[ping] your piggie on his back and smear[ing] a small amount of mineral oil inside the anus. Gently push down on the bottom side of the anus and ease the impacted mass out. Sometimes the piggie will ingest some of these pellets if you feed them to him, however, more often than not, you will have to supplement his diet with vitamin B-complex (25mg per day dissolved in water, applied by syringe).
Even if your piggie isn't having this problem, it is a good idea to check boars for any collected debris, to make sure that this condition is not aggrivated. I know it sounds like a lot of fun ((sarcasm)) but it's neccessary to maintain the health of your boar as he ages. Also, it is a good idea to make sure that no hay has been caught either in the pig's anus or genitals, as any clogs can cause infections or impaction.
The link to the full article about impaction in boars on the Guinea Lynx site is: https://www.guinealynx.com/impaction.html .
Hope this helps you out!
*ack* So everyone beat me to the chase while I was typing out my answer! I'll make it short and sweet next time...*promise* XD
Thanks everyone! Impaction was the word I was having a hard time rembering. Teebo is only a year or so old and seems to be very healthy. I will keep it all in mind incase it happens again. Thanks!
Mine are 1-2 years old, but they still suffer from impaction. You need to check their anal sacs regularly, and clean then out.
It's called impaction and it's totally normal. You can get it out with a Q-tip.
However it does smell!
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