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General Pooing in Food bowl


Cavy Slave
Feb 26, 2011
How do I get my piggies to not do their "business" in their food bowl? I guess they don't mind, but it doesn't seem healthy to me? :yuck:
How do I get my piggies to not do their "business" in their food bowl? I guess they don't mind, but it doesn't seem healthy to me? :yuck:
I bought a cheap cat food self feeder. It has a rim around it so they don't get in it. I only put one days food in it. I attached it to the side of the cage with zip ties. It works great. They can't tip it, and they don't do their business in it.
Maybe a smaller food bowl? Bubbles can't fit in his food bowl, so he doesn't do his business in it. Occasionally, from his popcorning around, he'll flip some poo in it, but then I just give it a quick rinse when I change his food.
My piggies are adults so they get their 1/4 a cup pellets in the morning and they are gone in about 45 seconds (not joking). I remove the bowl when its empty. For younger piggies who need unlimited pellets I would give them 1/4 of a cup of pellets 4 times a day instead so that way the WHOLE days worth of pellets dont get yucky.
If you go to my album page, you can see that on a few different shots I keep my pellets in a decent sized bird cup ( 2 now actually) dishes that have long hooks that I can attach to the coroplast. ( actually, I just slip the hooks over the sides of the coro) They have really worked very well for me !
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