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Cage Please List All The Disadvantages Of Guinea Pigs Living In The Shed!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 17, 2012
Another part of my persuading parents plan!
I'd like to know all the disadvantages of guinea pigs living in the shed please :)
I used to keep my old boars when I was much younger in a shed. They take much longer to tame when they are out of the house as they don't generally get as much human interaction. Obviously there's the extremes of tempurature. It can get very hot in a shed in the summer, so they would need some sort of ventilation.

The biggest problem for me was the incey winceys :eye-poppi
I used to make my mum hoover them all out every few days because I was terrified haha!
The temperture is the one of the main reasons not to. Piggies are very fragile and just a slight change can cause the whole body to go out of wack!!

Also, there is the factor of animals. If a animal knows there is a easy meal, they wont rest till they get them. One of my friends has a parakeet (sorry for spelling), they kept him in his cage, and when they were out they put him on a table out side. They all were out there. All of a suddon, a hawk come and ripes the cage opens and eats the bird. There was nothing they could do, and they were there!!!

If your parents are worried about smell, if you clean the cage, it wont smell!!! My family is moving at the moment and during our open houses no one noteces the piggies smell, no complaints about smell!!!!

I have been there, trying to get parents to let me get piggies, dont give up!!:)
Thanks for advice, I will be sure to include this information in my PowerPoint!
It was easy convincing them to let me get piggies for the second time around, but if they'd known I had wanted them inside I think the answer would have been different -_-
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