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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jun 12, 2012
I picked up my guinea pig about 30 mins ago and noticed this.......

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What could this be? do I need to take him to the vet?
And is it contagious?
Copied from the link I gave you (I suggest you read it)

Remember that ringworm is contagious.
[GuineaPigCages.com] Please Help
Isolate infected animals immediately.
[GuineaPigCages.com] Please Help
Wear protective clothing when handling infected animals (wash hands as necessary or wear rubber gloves).
[GuineaPigCages.com] Please Help
Soak all equipment and wash cages in a fungicide like LD disinfectant or a dilute solution of bleach (let sit for 15 minutes then rinse).
[GuineaPigCages.com] Please Help
Remove bedding, discard wood in cages (the spores can be very difficult to remove from wood).
I'm in the process of reading it along with other things I am doing. Thanks for the link.

The vet is also closed to :( so I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow
I have an appointment with the vet tomorrow
So I have Oreo separated from any other gp. I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow and hopefully it's nothing serious. It looks like fungus(looks similar to the pic from the link above). Hoping that's all it is. And hopefully an anti-biotic will clear it up. What antibiotics should the vet not give him and what is ok for him to have? I know that anything with (cillin) is not good for them.
Did you read the link provided? Antibiotics are generally not needed for fungus.
Did you read the link provided? Antibiotics are generally not needed for fungus.

Yes I did but I dont't what it is and if he may need antibiotics thats why I was asking
Guinea Lynx also has a list of safe medications.
Guinea Lynx also has a list of safe medications.

An update on Oreo: Well The vet said it doesn't appear to be ringworm of any type and probably not fungus. So she believes it may have been caused by mites(which none of my other piggies have). So she gave him a shot of Ivomec 10mg. And she also gave me a cream to put on the affected area called Neomycin/Polymyxin B Opthalmic(apply once a day). He's so far not hiding like hes was and is out and about.
If you are treating one pig for mites, then all the pigs should be treated. There should be at least three treatments each a week apart for each pig.
If you are treating one pig for mites, then all the pigs should be treated. There should be at least three treatments each a week apart for each pig.

The vet said that Prince should be ok since I removed Oreo when I first noticed it and then I had cleaned the cage out as well. She said keep an eye out for Prince to make sure. But we really don't know what it is exactly. He goes back every 2 weeks for another shot( he gets 2 more shots)
Two weeks apart is not close enough. At the very longest is should be 10 days.

If Prince was with the others at all, or even in the same room as the others, there's a good chance they all have mites.

You don't have to have the vet treat them all. You can do it yourself.
Two weeks apart is not close enough. At the very longest is should be 10 days.

If Prince was with the others at all, or even in the same room as the others, there's a good chance they all have mites.

You don't have to have the vet treat them all. You can do it yourself.

I have to call the vet on Thursday and let her know if he's getting better and then she'll probably have me bring him in for the next shot.
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