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Fleece Please help


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 13, 2011
Ok So I made a C&C cage and decided to switch to fleece. I made bedliners following directions I got on here.....type goes over the edge of the coroplast. My youngest piggy has decided that it is fun to pull it off one of the sides and get inside of the liner. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I can do. Thank you
clip it down to the coroplast with binder clips
I have tried that and she pulls it out just a little to make a pocket and then climbs in.
Just make it as tight as you can! LOTS of binder clips! haha
I did that...put them every other square....and now they are chewing holes into the fabric and climbing in.
oh my gosh lol you have some very determined little piggies there :p
Try laying fleece down on the bottom of the cage, and clipping it high up on the sides of the grids, so they can't pull down.
That they are.....And they are trying to see how much patients mommy has....They are running thin at this moment but trying to figure out what to do.
make them a towel tent in a corner to burrow in if they want the warm fuzzly softness of fleece, or spare fleece if you have any
make them a towel tent in a corner to burrow in if they want the warm fuzzly softness of fleece, or spare fleece if you have any

If it's the warm fuzziness they want like Earausch suggests, have you tried cozies for them? Mine love their little cozies and don't seem interested in burrowing in the fleece like they used to since I got the cozies.
One of the posters on another forum had the same problem -- and a very determined pig. In one of her funnier posts, she said, "I have a master's degree, and this is a rodent.I will win this battle."

She finally did, but it required a clip about every inch and half all the way around the cage to do it.

What do you have under the fleece? Maybe it smells good to them?
The only thing we have under it is uhaul pads..... so I am not sure what is up with my girls....
My girls were trying to eat the uhaul pad until i clipped it under the fleece, it was sticking up from under the fleece on the sides. Silly piggies!
Since you sew, you could add edges that will wrap over the coroplast walls and all the way down to the bottom edge. Add some elastic to make it stay under the cage.
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Mine have the fabric going over the edge of the coroplast.....she pulls it down and climbs in or chews holes into the fabric and climbs in.......
Here is another thing....will the girls get sick for eatting the fleece......
Ally, I sewed mine into flat pillowcase type fleece after 'quilting' the u-haul a bit to keep it bunching in the wash, I was actualy more concerned about my washer getting clogged with lint from the u-haul pads, honestly it looks more like dryer lint pressed into felt than recycled denim!
Here is another thing....will the girls get sick for eatting the fleece......

Mine used to nibble and occasionally rip up a bit of fleece, but they never ate enough of it to get sick. I don't think that they'll ever eat enough of it to get sick.
I've found that fleece cozies and tunnels keep my boys from trying to get under the fleece. But the minute they're in there without a fleece sack or tunnel they're lookin' for trouble :) silly piggies!
Could you just throw an extra big piece of fleece in there to distract them from the fleece lining the cage? After reading of all of these crafty pigs, I feel really lucky that mine don't bother with their fleece.

I hope I didn't just jinx myself...
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