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Bedding Please help i am stuck bad


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 3, 2012
hey guys i am soon getting four guinea pigs and i have the cage (C&C of course) and i live in Australia and no one here as coroplast or as they call it Coreflute so i am wondering is there anything else i can use or some places i can get coroplaste
please let us know
What city in Australia are you closest to?
Check the "Alternative Cages" section of the photo galleries for other ideas. People have used things like linoleum tiles, plexiglass, etc. You'll want to pick something that will last for awhile though, otherwise I would say just use a shower curtain, but they are a pain to clean and such.
hey guys i live in Boonah and the closest city is brisbane so i live in Queesnland. is fleece a good idea to use as bedding as well. another idea was puppy pee mats are they could to please if you have any other ideas or think one of mine are good let us know please cheers
The only two places I know of in Queensland that sell corflute are Reverse Garbage and BSS Plastics. I have no idea whether they're still in business or not.
cheers bro i will look them up
where did you get the cube grids from.. coause i live in adelaide and i cant find them :'( hellppp
Fleece bedding is good, be sure to have an absorbent layer under the fleece too. Puppy pads with fleece on top would work, but I'd use something more reusable. Cotton towels, or "uhaul blankets"(shredded compressed denim moving blankets that cover furniture etc, not the quilted ones). Not sure if you'd have the exact blankets there, but probably something similar.

You can always order grids online, depending on shipping costs that might be too expensive. Also sheets of linoleum would work for the cage too.

With four pigs make sure they are all same sexed, and that your cage meets the minimum requirements. Also prepare for having to house them seperatly. They might not get along, and you may have to have more then one cage.
Reverse Garbage in Woolloongabba isn't a reliable source of corflute. They often don't have it in stock, and it's very popular, so what they do get in goes quickly. BFS Plastics in Salisbury is awesome for corflute, their website is (broken link removed)

Another solution for bedding would be Hysorb wood shavings, they're safe for pigs, and you can usually purchase Hysorb at your local produce store.
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