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Cavy Slave
May 11, 2004
Does anyone use those huge pipes for your guinea pigs. I saw some pictures here and was wondering how many use them and do their guinea pigs like them? Are they safe?
If you mean PVC piping, then yes lots of people use them. Piggies love them! They are great and safe for pigs, but keep in mind that PVC is one of the most environmentally damaging plastics on the planet. If you mean any different type of tubing, please specify which kind. Hope this helps! =)
Can't tell if thats a recommendation for or against. Let's have some perspective here, putting a short length of plastic pipe in a pig cage is not going to damage the planet. In fact, if you use a scrap piece, you're 100% recycling and preventing that piece from going into a landfill thereby improving the planet.

But if you really want to avoid plastics try the cardboard chewable tubes for tunnels.

FYI for those who wonder, coroplast is made from polypropylene which is a safer alternative to PVC.
I use cardboard tunnels and huge coffe cans. I have a previose thread in the accesories forum about the coffee cans.
Mine are to fat to fit through any PVC piping lol.Even the pigloos with the rounded tops their ass's get stuck in side and they drag it around.Pretty cute lol.Im actually thikning of building tunnels out of coroplast since u can make them abit more bigger and longer and turn then anyways you wanna.Ill tell ya'll how it turns out
fat butt piggies

That's just TOO funny, picturing your piggies with their butts stuck in their igloos dragging them around like a turtle with its shell! Can you post a pic of this?
cavylover said:
Mine are to fat to fit through any PVC piping lol.Even the pigloos with the rounded tops their ass's get stuck in side and they drag it around.
hehehe mine too! i took his pigloo out cuz it took up too much space and he could barely fit in it anyways. so i used a little platform thing on one end of his cage and hung a towel over it, that's his hidey place. and a piece of cardboard over another part of his cage.
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